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Chat Messages

ChatMessage is the basic message unit in RadChat. It contains information about the Author of the message as well as any additional data about the message.

The Author property is of type Telerik.Maui.Controls.Chat.Author and exposes the following properties:

  • Name—Author name;
  • Avatar—Image related to the author, displayed in the Chat UI;
  • Data—You can use it to preserve additional information about the author;

By default, when the end user types in the text box and confirms the message, it is set to the to Chat's Message property. In addition, the SendMessage event is fired each time a new message is about to be added to the Chat UI. It allows you to modify the message itself.

Text Message

The TextMessage is intended to be used for sending a simple string type message. It derives from ChatMessage and provides an additional Text property which holds the string message.

Adding a message

The following example demonstrates how to create a sample TextMessage:

var bot = new Author() { Name = "bot", Avatar = "SampleAvatar.png" };
chat.Items.Add(new TextMessage { Author = bot, Text = "Hi." });
chat.Items.Add(new TextMessage { Author = bot, Text = "This is a message." });

See Also

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