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The selection in the AutoCompleteBox will display the property of the selected item to which the DisplayMemberPath points.

Figure 1: Default Selection

Default Selection

Furthermore, the control exposes the following properties and events for handling the user selection.

  • SelectedItem: Gets or sets the data item that is selected.
  • SelectedItems: Gets the data items that participate in the selection. It is useful in case multiple selection is used.
  • SelectedValue: Gets or sets the selected property value.
  • SelectedIndex: Gets or sets the index of the selected item.
  • SelectedValuePath: Gets or sets the property path of the property used for the selected value.

Multiple Selection

By default, RadMultiColumnComboBox will perform a single selection. In order to enable a multiple selection, the SelectionMode of the control can be set to Multiple.

Example 1: Setting the SelectionMode to Multiple

<telerik:RadMultiColumnComboBox VerticalAlignment="Top" DisplayMemberPath="Name" SelectionMode="Multiple"> 
            <telerik:GridViewItemsSourceProvider ItemsSource="{Binding Clubs, Source={StaticResource MyViewModel}}"/> 

Figure 2: Multiple Selection

Multiple Selection

SelectionChanged event

Each time a select or deselect operation is applied, the SelectionChanged event will be fired.

Example 2: Handling the SelectionChanged event

    private void RadMultiColumnComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangeEventArgs e) 

The event arguments expose the following collections.

  • AddedItems: a collection of the item(s) that has/have been added to the selection
  • RemovedItems: a collection of the item(s) that has/have been removed from the selection