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Composition API Support

The RadChart provides separate rendering implementation for some of the chart's visual elements. By using it some of the visual elements are drawn using the Composition API.

This article will provide information about the visual elements drawn with the Composition API and how you can modify the drawing implementaion.

Visuals Rendered with Composition API

The following visual elements are drawn using the SpriteVisual element of the Composition API:

By default, the visuals listed above will be drawn using the Composition API. If the visual elements have a custom Style or Template set - the Composition won't be used for the drawing functionality.

Customize Composition API Visuals

The visuals that are part of the Composition API are prepared by the ContainerVisualsFactory class. The class comes with a set of methods that creates ContainerVisuals objects that will be used for the rendering of the chart control.

To customize the rendering behavior (for example to change the Brush of the SpriteVisual), you can implement a custom ContainerVisualsFactory class and override its methods. The custom factory can be assigned to the ContainerVisualsFactory property of the chart.

The methods of the factory that could be overridden are:

  • CanDrawContainerVisual—Indicates whether the visual element can be drawn using the Composition API. If the method returns false the element won't be drawn as a SpriteVisual element. Using that method the composition mechanism could easily be disabled and the elements to be drawn using the UIElements provided by the framework.

  • CreateContainerVisual—It creates a new SpriteVisual instance that will be used for the visualization of the elements. The method returns ContainerVisual type of element and you could easily return any other ContainerVisual that will be used for the drawing - currently, we suggest you to use the SpriteVisual as the only ContainerVisual element from the Composition API that provides a CompositionBrush.

  • PrepareTickVisual—Prepares the SpriteVisual used for the visualization of the ticks of the Axis by setting its Size, Color and Offset.

  • PrepareCartesianChartGridLineVisual—Prepares the SpriteVisual used for the visualization of the lines of the CartesianChartGrid by setting its Size, Color and Offset. You can also pass a DoubleCollection to the method that represents the dash array for the lines that will be used when drawing the SpriteVisuals.

  • PreparePointTemplateSeriesVisual—Used for setting the Offset, Brush and Size of the series that are drawn with the Composition API.

  • PrepareCartesianAxisLineVisual—Prepares the SpriteVisual that will be visualized as an axis. The method also provides information about the AxisType that is currently drawn.

  • PrepareLineRenderVisual—Prepares the Trend Lines and Financial Indicators by setting their Size, Offset and Brush.

  • PrepareBarIndicatorVisual—Prepares the BarIndicatorBase instances by setting their Size, Offset and Brush.

The following example demonstrates how to implement a custom ContainerVisualsFactory that will change the Brush of the BarSeries of a RadCartesianChart and change the dash array of the CartesianChartGrid.

  1. Create a custom class that inherits the default ContainerVisualsFactory.

    Inheriting from ContainerVisualsFactory

        public class CustomContainerVisualFactory : ContainerVisualsFactory 
  2. Override the CreateContainerVisual method which returns a ContainerVisual instance, used for the rendering of the chart control. The Compositor parameter is used for the creation of the SpriteVisual element and the type gives you information of the currently created element.

    Overriding the CreateContainerVisual method

        public class CustomContainerVisualFactory : ContainerVisualsFactory 
            protected override ContainerVisual CreateContainerVisual(Compositor compositor, Type elementType) 
                var containerVisual = base.CreateContainerVisual(compositor, elementType) as SpriteVisual; 
                if (containerVisual != null && elementType == typeof(BarSeries)) 
                    containerVisual.Brush = compositor.CreateColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x93, 0xC8, 0x49)); 
                return containerVisual; 
  3. Override the PrepareCartesianChartGridLineVisual method in order to change the dash array for the lines used for the drawing of the CartesianChartGrid.

    Overriding the PrepareCartesianChartGridLineVisual method

        public class CustomContainerVisualFactory : ContainerVisualsFactory 
            protected override ContainerVisual CreateContainerVisual(Compositor compositor, Type elementType) 
                var containerVisual = base.CreateContainerVisual(compositor, elementType) as SpriteVisual; 
                if (containerVisual != null && elementType == typeof(BarSeries)) 
                    containerVisual.Brush = compositor.CreateColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x93, 0xC8, 0x49)); 
                return containerVisual; 
            protected override ContainerVisual PrepareCartesianChartGridLineVisual(ContainerVisual containerVisual, RadRect layoutSlot, Orientation orientation, DoubleCollection dashArray) 
                return base.PrepareCartesianChartGridLineVisual(containerVisual, layoutSlot, orientation, new DoubleCollection() { 1, 0}); 
  4. Set the CustomContainerVisualFactory instance to the ContainerVisualsFactory property of the RadCartesianChart.

    Applying the custom ContainerVisualsFactory

        <Grid xmlns:telerikChart="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Chart" 
            <telerikChart:RadCartesianChart x:Name="barSeries" > 
                    <local:CustomContainerVisualFactory /> 
                    <telerikChart:CartesianChartGrid MajorGridLinesVisibility="XY" /> 
                        <telerikCharting:CategoricalDataPoint Category="Apples" Value="5" /> 
                        <telerikCharting:CategoricalDataPoint Category="Oranges" Value="9" /> 
                        <telerikCharting:CategoricalDataPoint Category="Pineaples" Value="8" /> 
    RadCartesianChart with a custom ContainerVisualsFactory

WinUI RadChart RadCartesianChart with custom visuals

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