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.NET MAUI ListPickerButton ToolbarItem

Add a list picker toolbar item using the ListPickerButtonToolbarItem.

The exposed properties are:

  • ItemsSource(IList)—Specifies a collection of items to display in the list.
  • ItemTemplate(DataTemplate)—Specifies the DataTemplate used to generate content for the list items.
  • SelectedItem(object)—Specifies the currently selected item in the list.
  • Text(string)—Defines the text(target type Label) in the toolbar item. You can display an image next to the text.
  • ImageSource(Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImageSource)—Specifies the source of the image to display in the toolbar item.


The exposed events are:

  • SelectionChanged—Raised when the current selection has changed.
  • Clicked—Raised when the toolbar item is clicked.


The available commands are:

  • Command(ICommand)—Specifies the command to execute when the toolbar item is clicked.
  • CommandParameter(object)—Specifies the parameter of the command, which is executed when the toolbar item is clicked.


Style the ListPickerButtonToolbarItem using the following properties:

  • ItemStyle(Style)—Specifies the style applied to the list items. The target type of this style is Telerik.Maui.Controls.ToolbarListItemView.
  • Style(Style)—Specifies the style applied to the list items. The target type of this style is Telerik.Maui.Controls.ListPickerButtonToolbarItemView. The available properties are:
    • ItemTemplate(DataTemplate)—Specifies the DataTemplate used to generate content for the list items.
    • SelectedItem(object)—Specifies the currently selected item in the list
    • ItemStyle(Style)—Specifies the style applied to the list items. The target type of this style is Telerik.Maui.Controls.ToolbarListItemView.
    • ItemsSource(IList)—Specifies a collection of items to display in the list.
    • All properties applicable in DropDownButtonToolbarItemView, ButtonToolbarItemView, ToolbarItemView and LabelToolbarItemView.

See Also

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