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.NET MAUI Toolbar Configuration

This article describes all configuration options available in the .NET MAUI Toolbar control.


  • By setting the Orientation(enum of typeTelerik.Maui.Controls.ToolbarOrientation) property you can specify the orientation of the toolbar. The available options are Horizontal and Vertical. The default value is Horizontal.

.NET MAUI Toolbar Orientation

Spacing between the toolbar items

  • ItemSpacing(double)—Specifies the spacing in pixels between the items in the toolbar. The default value is 8.

Spacing between the elements in the toolbar items

  • LineSpacing(double)—Specifies the spacing in pixels between the lines of items in the toolbar. This property has effect when the toolbar is in a multi-line wrap overflow mode. The default value is 8.

  • OptionsPanel(Telerik.Maui.Controls.RadToolbarOptionsPanel)—Specifies the options panel associated with this toolbar.

Toolbar Items

  • Items(IList<ToolbarItem>)—Read-only collection of ToolbarItems.

All built-in toolbar items are described in the Toolbar Items section.

Overflow menu

.NET MAUI Toolbar Orientation

When the items cannot fit in the toolbar available space an overflow menu is displayed. The properties related to the Overflow menu are:

  • OverflowMode(enum of type Telerik.Maui.Controls.ToolbarOverflowMode)—Specifies the overflow mode when the items in the toolbar cannot fit in the available space. The available options are:

    • DropDown(the default mode)—When the toolbar items cannot fit in the available space, they are placed in the overflow drop-down menu.
    • Scroll—When the toolbar items cannot fit in the available space, they are scrolled horizontally or vertically, based on the orientation of the toolbar.
    • Wrap—When the toolbar items cannot fit in the available space, they are wrapped horizontally or vertically on multiple lines, based on the orientation of the toolbar.
    • Clip—When the toolbar items cannot fit in the available space, they are clipped.
  • OverflowMenuButtonVisibility(enum of type Telerik.Maui.Controls.ToolbarButtonVisibilityMode)—Specifies the visibility mode of the overflow menu button in the toolbar. The available options are:

    • Auto(the default mode)—The button visibility is determined automatically, based on the associated command.
    • Visible(the default mode)—The button is always visible in the toolbar, regardless of the associated command.
    • Hidden(the default mode)—The button is always hidden from the toolbar, regardless of the associated command.
  • OverflowMenuButtonTemplate(ControlTemplate)—Defines the ControlTemplate applied to the overflow menu button in the toolbar.

  • OverflowItems(IReadOnlyList<ToolbarItem>)—Read-only collection of Telerik.Maui.Controls.ToolbarItems that are in the overflow area of the toolbar.
  • OverflowMenuButtonStyle(Style with target type Telerik.Maui.Controls.OverflowMenuButtonToolbarItemView)—Specifies the style applied to the Overflow menu button. The properties that can be applied through style are the properties applicable for DropDownButtonToolbarItemView, ButtonToolbarItemView, ToolbarItemView and LabelToolbarItemView.

Separator between the toolbar items

.NET MAUI Toolbar Orientation

You can separate the toolbar items using the [SeparatorToolbarItem](/devtools/maui/controls/toolbar/items/separator).

Back navigation button

.NET MAUI Toolbar Orientation

  • BackNavigationButtonVisibility(enum of type Telerik.Maui.Controls.ToolbarButtonVisibilityMode)—Specifies the visibility mode of the back navigation button in the toolbar. The available options are:

    • Auto(the default mode)—The button visibility is determined automatically, based on the associated command.
    • Visible(the default mode)—The button is always visible in the toolbar, regardless of the associated command.
    • Hidden(the default mode)—The button is always hidden from the toolbar, regardless of the associated command.
  • BackNavigationButtonTemplate(ControlTemplate)—Defines the ControlTemplate applied to the back navigation button in the toolbar.

  • BackNavigationButtonStyle(Style with target type Telerik.Maui.Controls.BackNavigationButtonToolbarItemView)—Specifies the style applied to the back navigation button.

Scroll buttons

Properties related to the scroll buttons configuration are:

  • ScrollButtonsVisibility(enum of type Telerik.Maui.Controls.ToolbarButtonVisibilityMode)—Specifies the visibility mode of the scroll buttons in the toolbar. The available options are:

    • Auto(the default mode)—The button visibility is determined automatically, based on the associated command.
    • Visible(the default mode)—The button is always visible in the toolbar, regardless of the associated command.
    • Hidden(the default mode)—The button is always hidden from the toolbar, regardless of the associated command.
  • ScrollForwardButtonTemplate(ControlTemplate)—Defines the ControlTemplate applied to the scroll button in the toolbar.

  • ScrollForwardButtonStyle(Style with target type Telerik.Maui.Controls.ScrollForwardButtonToolbarItemView)—Defines the style applied to the scroll button in the toolbar.
  • ScrollBackwardButtonTemplate(ControlTemplate)—Defines the ControlTemplate applied to the backward scroll button in the toolbar.
  • ScrollBackwardButtonStyle(Style with target type Telerik.Maui.Controls.ScrollBackwardButtonToolbarItemView)—Defines the style applied to the backward scroll button in the toolbar.

See Also

In this article