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Toggle States for .NET MAUI ToggleButton

The ToggleButton enables you to define its state as Toggled, Untoggled, or Indeterminate.

The state is controlled through the IsToggled(bool?) property. You can set all states either through the UI or programmatically. The Indeterminate state can be applied through the UI only for three-state checkboxes. The IsToggled property default binding mode is TwoWay.

  • (Default) Untoggled state—When IsToggled is false.

  • Toggled state—When IsToggled is true.

  • Indeterminate state—When IsToggled is null.

Setting Three States

The ToggleButton enables you to apply the indeterminate state through the UI by setting the IsThreeState (bool) property. When IsThreeState is true, it allows the end user to go to the indeterminate state along with the Toggled and Untoggled states. By default, IsThreeState is false.

The following example demonstrates how to set the IsThreeState property.

1. Set the IsThreeState property of the RadToggleButton:`

<telerik:RadToggleButton x:Name="toggleButton"
                         Content="{Binding IsToggled, Source={RelativeSource Self}, StringFormat='IsToggled: {0}', TargetNullValue='IsToggled: null'}"
                         HorizontalOptions="Center" />

2. Add the telerik namespace:


3. This is the result on WinUI:

.NET MAUI ToggleButton Three State


  • IsToggledChanged—Occurs when the RadCheckBox.IsToggled property is changed. The IsToggledChanged event handler receives two parameters:
    • The sender which is of type Telerik.Maui.Controls.RadToggleButton.
    • ValueChangedEventArgs which provides the following properties:
      • NewValue(TValue)—Gets the new value from the IsToggled property.
      • PreviousValue(TValue)—Gets the previous value of the IsToggled property.

See Also

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