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.NET MAUI Slider Events

The Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Slider component exposes a ValueChanging event which is raised when the end user drags the thumb or touches the range track. You can use this event to plug custom logic by changing the Value property.

The ValueChanging event handler receives two parameters:

  • The sender argument, which is of type object, but can be cast to the RadSlider type.
  • A Telerik.Maui.ValueChangingEventArgs object, which provides the Value property of the Slider.

The following example demonstrates how to use the ValueChanging event to prevent dragging the thumb to a smaller value:

1. Define the Slider:

<telerik:RadSlider Minimum="0"
                   ValueChanging="Slider_ValueChanging" />

2. Add the event handler:

private void Slider_ValueChanging(object sender, Telerik.Maui.ValueChangingEventArgs e)
    var slider = (RadSlider)sender;
    if (e.Value < 20)
        e.Value = slider.Value;

See Also

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