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RichTextEditor provides the a long list of commands (of type ICommand) that allow you to perform various operations on the text.

Commands Description
UndoCommand Gets a command to undo the last changes in the editor.
RedoCommand Gets a command to redo the last changes in the editor.
ToggleBoldCommand Gets a command to toggle the bold text in the editor.
ToggleItalicCommand Gets a command to toggle the italic text in the editor.
ToggleUnderlineCommand Gets a command to toggle the underline text in the editor.
ToggleStrikethroughCommand Gets a command to toggle the strike-through text in the editor.
ToggleSubscriptCommand Gets a command to toggle the subscript text in the editor.
ToggleSuperscriptCommand Gets a command to toggle the superscript text in the editor.
ToggleBulletingCommand Gets a command to toggle the bullets paragraph in the editor.
ToggleNumberingCommand Gets a command to toggle the bullets paragraph in the editor.
ClearFormattingCommand Gets a command to clear the formatting of the text in the editor.
AlignLeftCommand Gets a command to apply left text alignment in the editor.
AlignRightCommand Gets a command to apply right text alignment in the editor.
AlignCenterCommand Gets a command to apply center text alignment in the editor.
AlignJustifyCommand Gets a command to apply justify text alignment in the editor.
IndentCommand Gets a command to indent the text in the editor.
OutdentCommand Gets a command to outdent the text in the editor.
ApplyHyperlinkCommand Gets a command to apply a hyperlink in the editor.
RemoveHyperlinkCommand Gets a command to remove a hyperlink in the editor.
OpenHyperlinkCommand Gets a command to open a hyperlink in the editor.
InsertImageCommand Gets a command to insert an image in the editor. The command takes a single paramerer of type Telerik.Maui.Controls.RichTextEditor.RichTextImage.
RemoveImageCommand Gets a command to remove an image in the editor.
SelectAllCommand Gets a command to select all html in the editor.

The RadRichTextEditor Toolbar exposes some of the built-in commands. For more information, check the RadRichTextEditor Toolbar article.

Example: Executing Actions through Commands

You can execute the actions in the RichTextEditor through the provided commands. For example, you can apply bold text formatting from a custom UI other than the RichTextEditor toolbar.

The following example how to call the RadRichTextEditor commands on a button click action.

1. Let's add the RichTextEditor definition together with a few sample buttons wired to the editor's commands:

<Grid RowDefinitions="Auto, *">
        <Button Text="Bold"
                Command="{Binding ToggleBoldCommand, Source={x:Reference richTextEditor}}"
                Margin="0, 0, 10, 10" />
        <Button Text="Italic"
                Command="{Binding ToggleItalicCommand, Source={x:Reference richTextEditor}}"
                Margin="0, 0, 10, 10" />
        <Button Text="Underline"
                Command="{Binding ToggleUnderlineCommand, Source={x:Reference richTextEditor}}"
                Margin="0, 0, 10, 10" />
        <Button Text="Bulleted List"
                Command="{Binding ToggleBulletingCommand, Source={x:Reference richTextEditor}}"
                Margin="0, 0, 10, 10" />
        <Button Text="Numbered List"
                Command="{Binding ToggleNumberingCommand, Source={x:Reference richTextEditor}}"
                Margin="0, 0, 10, 10" />
    <telerik:RadRichTextEditor x:Name="richTextEditor" Grid.Row="1" />

2. Add the required namespaces:


For a runnable example with the RichTextEditor commands, see the SDKBrowser Demo Application and go to RichTextEditor > Features.

See Also

In this article