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.NET MAUI Map Label Styling

The MapShapefileLayer has a ShapeLabelStyle property that is of MapShapeLabelStyle type and defines the style of the labels.

MapShapeLabelStyle provides the following properties you can use to customize the way labels on the map will look:

  • TextColor
  • FontSize
  • FontFamily
  • FontAttributes

The example shows the ShapeLabelStyle property applied:

<telerik:RadMap x:Name="map">
        <telerik:MapShapefileLayer LabelAttributeName="CNTRY_NAME">
                <telerik:MapShapeReader x:Name="reader"/>
                <telerik:MapShapeLabelStyle TextColor="DarkRed"

where the Source and the DataSource of the MapShapeReader have to be set to a .shp and .dbf files, respectively:

var assembly = this.GetType().Assembly;
var source = MapSource.FromResource("", assembly);
this.reader.Source = source;

And the used namespace:


Here is the result:

.NET MAUI Map Labels Styling

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