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.NET MAUI DataPager Integration with DataGrid

You can page the data of the Telerik UI for .NET MAUI DataGrid by using the DataPager control. However, the DataPager is independent of the DataGrid, and you can use it with any other ItemsControl.

.NET MAUI DataPager with DataGrid

Currently, the DataPager does not support the Telerik UI for .NET MAUI DataGrid LoadOnDemandCollaction.


Here is an example of how to use the DataPager with the DataGrid control.

1. Define the DataPager and the DataPager in XAML:

<Grid RowDefinitions="*, Auto">
    <telerik:RadDataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding PagedSource, Source={Reference dataPager}}" />
    <telerik:RadDataPager x:Name="dataPager" Source="{Binding MyData}"
                          PageSize="20" />
        <local:ViewModel />

2. Add the following namespace:


3. Define the ViewModel:

public class ViewModel
    public ViewModel()
        var data = new ObservableCollection<Data>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
            data.Add(new Data { Id = i, Number = i*10/2, Information = "Information " + i });

        this.MyData = data;

    public ObservableCollection<Data> MyData { get; set; }

4. Define sample data:

public class Data
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int Number { get; set; }
    public string Information { get; set; }

For the DataPager Integration with DataGrid example, go to the SDKBrowser Demo Application and navigate to the DataPager > Integration category.

See Also

In this article