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Getting Started with the Report Item

The Report item is a unique report item that is a container for the rest of the report items. It consists of report sections, each one with a different purpose as explained in the article on Telerik Reporting report sections.

You may add a Report item to the Desktop Report Designers as follows:

  • For the Visual Studio Report Designer you may right-click over the .NET Framework ReportLibrary project and select Add > New item.... You need to choose the corresponding item from the available items under Reporting as shown in the image below:

    Add Report from the Reporting item templates in the Visual Studio Report Designer

  • For the Standalone Report Designer you may select File from the Menu toolbar and choose the corresonding option from the New tab as displayed in the image below:

    Add New Report Item from the Report templates in the Standalone Report Designer

When you create a new report with any of the Telerik Reporting Report Designer tools, the report will automatically add the Report item by providing you with the following approaches to do that:

See Also

In this article