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Cross-Section Report Item Overview

The Cross-section report item is used to display a graphical primitive, such as a vertical line or a rectangle, across one or more report sections.

The report item is suitable if group sections, for example, need to be visually distinguished from each other. To create visual effects within a report, use visual shapes. The Cross-section report item provides a set of properties, such as display, which you can set from the Properties window.

The following screenshot shows a Cross-section report item in the Standalone Report Designer.

Cross-section report item between the Report Header and Report Footer in the Standalone Report Designer

Setting the Behavior

The following list contains the properties which define the behavior of the Cross-section report item:

  • BeginSection—Defines the report section from which the cross-section item will start. It can be any instance of the ReportSectionBase class (PageHeader, ReportHeader, or GroupHeader).

  • BeginMargin—Defines the offset from the top of the BeginSection measured in Unit values. The offset will be preserved if the BeginSection changes its size at runtime.

  • EndSection—Defines the report section at which the cross-section item will end. It can also be any instance of the ReportSectionBase class (PageFooter, ReportFooter, or GroupFooter).

  • EndMargin—Defines the offset from the bottom of the EndSection measured in Unit values. The offset will be preserved if the EndSection changes its size at runtime.

Setting the Appearance

The following list contains the properties which define the appearance of the Cross-section report item:

  • Type—Defines the graphical primitive type rendered by the Cross-section item. It can be Line (default) or Rectangle.

  • Position—Defines whether the Cross-section item will be rendered under the rest of the report items or on top of them. It can be set to Behind (default) or Front.

The Location and Size properties are calculated based on the BeginSection, BeginMargin, EndSection, and EndMargin properties. Changing the Location values or the Size-related properties like Top, Left, Width, or Height recalculate the values of BeginSection, BeginMargin, EndSection, and EndMargin properties.

In most scenarios, the Begin and End sections have matching types and hierarchy levels, for example, ReportHeader - ReportFooter, GroupHeader - GroupFooter. Choosing mismatching sections can produce unexpected rendering results.

Instantiation and Design-Time Support

Since the Cross-section item can refer to more than one report sections, its parent is the Report item. Therefore, you can drag the Cross-section item from the designer toolbox onto the designer surface without selecting any report section before that. When the Cross-section item is moved or resized on the report designer surface, its Begin- and End-related properties are automatically calculated based on its current location and size, and are displayed in the Properties window.

You can select a Cross-section item through the Report Explorer tool window or by clicking the graphical primitive displayed by the item. If its Type is set to Line, the selectable area of the item will be on both sides of the displayed vertical line and will span to at least six pixels. If Type is set to Rectangle, the selectable area can be any of its sides and will again span to at least six pixels.

  • In the Standalone Report Designer and Visual Studio Report Designer, the Cross-section report item provides complete design-time support.
  • Currently, the Web Report Designer delivers basic designing capabilities and some of the Cross-section properties cannot be edited through the dedicated property editors.

You can programmatically add the Cross-section report item to a report by using the following code. Note that you need to add the item to the Items collection of the report first and, then, assign its section-related properties. The order of assignments is important because setting any Location- or Size-related properties will:

  • Iterate through the sections of the report.
  • Determine which of its sections will be assigned to the BeginSection and EndSection properties.
  • Set the corresponding margins.
void CreateAndInitializeCrossSectionItem()
    var reportGroup = report.Groups[0];

    var crossSectionItem = new CrossSectionItem();

    crossSectionItem.BeginSection = reportGroup.GroupHeader;
    crossSectionItem.BeginMargin = Drawing.Unit.Cm(0.5);
    crossSectionItem.EndSection = reportGroup.GroupFooter;
    crossSectionItem.EndMargin = Drawing.Unit.Cm(0.5);

    crossSectionItem.Left = Drawing.Unit.Cm(1);
    crossSectionItem.Width = Drawing.Unit.Cm(1);

Processing and Rendering

The Cross-section item is rendered per each page based on the occurrences of the report sections that match its Begin and End section settings. If the EndSection is positioned on a following page or report column, the Cross-section item will generate a graphical primitive that will span to the end of the usable page area and that will continue from the top of the next page.

The Cross-section item uses the data context of the report and cannot be evaluated against detail or group data. The processing engine produces a single instance per each Cross-section item in the report definition. Therefore, its style or visibility cannot be changed based on data fields.

The Cross-section item is designed to aid the production of form-type reports and attempts to preserve its location and size that are set at design-time. The report item will not expand when the report or any report sections expand horizontally. Therefore, the Cross-section won't be rendered on a page that is generated as a result of such horizontal paging. However, in a multi-column report, the Cross-section item will be generated per each report column that is shown on a page.

Not all rendering extensions support the Cross-section report item.

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