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Label Report Wizard of the Report Designer

Label Report Wizard guides you through the process of creating a report with label layout.

To create a new report with the wizard:

  • Standalone Report Designer:

    • Select File | New | from the Telerik Report Designer File menu; Click on the Label Report Wizard template. Create file dialog opens; Choose a file name and directory. Click Save and the Import Report Wizard opens.
  • Visual Studio:

    • Create a new class library or use an existing one. Verify that the targeted.NET framework version is.NET4(+), Full profile as Client profile is not supported.
    • Right-click the project context menu and select Add | New Item | Telerik Report. Enter a name for the report class and click the Add button to close the dialog. Select report wizard form opens.
    • Select the Label Report Wizard option from the list and click OK.
Step Description
Design Data Layout Use the Categories and the Labels list controls to choose from a list of predefined label layouts to quickly structure the reports visual representation.
See the Label Information and Preview boxes to get a rough idea of how the report will be laid out.
Choose Data Source This page lets you use an existing data source from a list of data sources
or add new Data Source. If you choose to create new data source, click the Add New Data Source button to start the Data Source Wizard. It will walk you through an additional set
of steps and when finished will return you to the Report Wizard so you can continue.
Design Data Layout Lets you select data columns from the data source and have them placed in report detail section.
Select from a list located on the left in the dialog titled Available Fields.
Use the Add button or just drag and drop the selected field from the Available Fields to the Displayed Fields.
Use the Remove button or drag and drop the selected field to move fields from the Displayed Fields list back to the Available Fields list.
Use the Up, Down buttons or drag and drop fields within the Displayed Fields list to reorder the fields in the report.
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