Scheduling UI Events

Since R3 2021 Service Pack Calendar's Scheduling UIs for Xamarin exposes events for appointments changes:

  • AppointmentAdded(AppointmentChangedEventAgrs): Occurs when appointment is added throught the Scheduling UI.

    • The sender argument which is of type object, but can be cast to the RadCalendar type.
      • An AppointmentChangedEventAgrs object which provides the following properties:
      • Appointment property of type IAppointment and could be cast to the appointment implementation that is used in RadCalendar.
      • Occurrence property of type IExceptionOccurrence which gets the occurance. If the appointment is not recurrent, the value is null.
      • OccurrenceAction property of type OccurrenceAction which gets the action performed over the occurrence.
  • AppointmentUpdated(AppointmentChangedEventAgrs): Occurs when appointment is updated. The event is also raised for recurrent appointment when there is an action over the exception occurence - add/delete/update.

    • The sender argument which is of type object, but can be cast to the RadCalendar type.
      • An AppointmentChangedEventAgrs object which provides the following properties:
      • Appointment property of type IAppointment and could be cast to the appointment implementation that is used in RadCalendar.
      • Occurrence property of type IExceptionOccurrence which gets the occurance. If the appointment is not recurrent, the value is null.
      • OccurrenceAction property of type OccurrenceAction which gets the action performed over the occurrence.

The OccurrenceAction enumeration specifies an action performed over an exception occurrence. The actions are:

  • None: No action is performed over the exception occurrence of the recurrent appointment.
  • Add: When an exception occurence of the recurrent appointment is added.
  • Update: When an exception occurence of the recurrent appointment is updated.
  • Delete: When an exception occurence of the recurrent appointment is deleted.

  • AppointmentDeleted(AppointmentChangedEventAgrs): Occurs when appointment is deleted.

    • The sender argument which is of type object, but can be cast to the RadCalendar type.
    • An AppointmentChangedEventAgrs object which provides the following properties:
      • Appointment property of type IAppointment and could be cast to the appointment implementation that is used in RadCalendar.
      • Occurrence property of type IExceptionOccurrence which gets the occurance. If the appointment is not recurrent, the value is null.
      • OccurrenceAction of type OccurrenceAction which gets the action performed over the occurrence.

In order to use these events, set SchedulingUiEnabled to True.


This example demonstrates a sample usage of appointment added, appointment updated and appointment deleted events. The ViewMode is set to MultiDayView.

Calendar definition in XAML:

<telerikInput:RadCalendar x:Name="calendar"
        <telerikInput:MultiDayViewSettings DayStartTime="8:00:00" />


private void CalendarAppointmentAdded(object sender, AppointmentChangedEventAgrs e)
    Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Appointment Change", String.Format("Appointment with title `{0}` was created.", e.Appointment.Title), "OK");

private void CalendarAppointmentUpdated(object sender, AppointmentChangedEventAgrs e)
    string notification;
        case OccurrenceAction.Add:
            notification = String.Format("Exception occurence on {0:d} of the recurrent Appointment `{1}` was created.", e.Occurrence.ExceptionDate, e.Appointment.Title);
        case OccurrenceAction.Update:
            notification = String.Format("Exception occurence on {0:d} of the recurrent Appointment `{1}` was updated.", e.Occurrence.ExceptionDate, e.Appointment.Title);
        case OccurrenceAction.Delete:
            notification = String.Format("The occurence on {0:d} of the recurrent Appointment `{1}` was deleted.", e.Occurrence.ExceptionDate, e.Appointment.Title);
            notification = String.Format("Appointment `{0}` was updated", e.Appointment.Title);
    Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Appointment Change", notification, "OK");

private void CalendarAppointmentDeleted(object sender, AppointmentChangedEventAgrs e)
    Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Appointment Change", String.Format("Appointment with title `{0}` was deleted.", e.Appointment.Title), "OK");

Scheduling UI Events