Programmatic Scrolling

This article will explain how you could set up RadCalendar, so that the view is scrolled to specific time or a particular appointment in DayView and MultiDayView modes.

ScrollTimeIntoView method

ScrollTimeIntoView method scrolls the current View (Day or MultiDay) to the specified time. It accept a single parameter of type TimeSpan. The snippet below shows how the method could be used:

TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.FromHours(16);

Calendar Scroll to Time

And here is the result after the method is invoked:

ScrollAppointmentIntoView method

Through ScrollAppointmentIntoView method you could configure the current View (Day or MultiDay) to scroll down and display the specified as a parameter appointment. Check the snippet below on how this method is called:

var app = (calendar.AppointmentsSource as ObservableCollection<Appointment>).First();

The next screenshot shows the result:

Calendar Scroll to Appointment

A sample Programmatic Scrolling example can be found in the Calendar & Scheduling/Features folder of the SDK Samples Browser application.