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Custom Appointment

A very common scenario when using RadScheduleView is the usage of custom appointments. When you create a Custom Appointment class you gain the ability to append additional properties to the base Appointment class, to add them to your custom AppointmentItem and optionally to its ToolTip, display them in the EditAppointment dialog while supporting the cancelation of editing.

In this article we will explore the process of using custom appointments in RadScheduleView. We will go through the following steps:

Creating a Custom Appointment Class

To create a custom appointment class you can start off with either of the following approaches : you can implement the IAppointment interface or you can inherit from one of the classes that already implement this interface – AppointmentBase (the base implementation of the interface) or Appointment (an extended implementation). It is very important to provide your own implementations for the Copy and CopyFrom methods as they are used intensively in the editing process of the ScheduleView control. If you choose to implement the interface, the Copy and CopyFrom methods will be automatically implemented for you, but if you take the second approach and inherit from one of the base classes, you should keep this in mind.

Let's create a simple task tracking system. For our Custom Appointment class we will inherit from Appointment. Our tracking system will need to show an additional field for the task progress – an indication of whether the task has finished or not. In order to enable editing in transactions of the new property we need to use the Storage method of the AppointmentBase class to access the instance which owns the fields. We will name our custom appointment class Task. Example 1 shows the creation of the Custom Appointment class:

When inheriting the AppointmentBase class it is required to create a parameter-less constructor for the the custom class.

Example 1: Create Custom Appointment

public class Task:Appointment 
    private bool isDone; 
    public bool IsDone 
             return this.Storage<Task>().isDone; 
             var storage = this.Storage<Task>(); 
             if (storage.isDone != value) 
                  storage.isDone = value; 
                  this.OnPropertyChanged(() => this.IsDone); 
    public override IAppointment Copy() 
        var newAppointment = new Task(); 
        return newAppointment; 
    public override void CopyFrom(IAppointment other) 
        var task = other as Task; 
        if (task != null) 
                this.IsDone = task.IsDone; 
Public Class Task 
 Inherits Appointment 
 Private m_isDone As Boolean 
 Public Property IsDone() As Boolean 
   Return Me.Storage(Of Task)().m_isDone 
  End Get 
   Dim storage = Me.Storage(Of Task)() 
   If storage.m_isDone <> value Then 
    storage.m_isDone = value 
   End If 
  End Set 
 End Property 
 Public Overrides Function Copy() As IAppointment 
  Dim newAppointment = New Task() 
  Return newAppointment 
 End Function 
 Public Overrides Sub CopyFrom(other As IAppointment) 
  Dim task = TryCast(other, Task) 
  If task IsNot Nothing Then 
   Me.IsDone = task.IsDone 
  End If 
 End Sub 
End Class 

For the next step, it is important to set the AppointmentsSource of RadScheduleView to be of type IList, because this way the ScheduleView knows that our custom appointments should be of type Task. Example 2 demonstrates how to create an ObservableCollection.

Example 2: Create the TasksCollection

public MainWindow() 
    // "this.scheduleView" refers to the RadScheduleView instance that we are targetting 
    this.scheduleView.AppointmentsSource = new TasksCollection(); 
public class TasksCollection : ObservableCollection<Task> 
    public TasksCollection() 
         DateTime today = DateTime.Today; 
         foreach (Task t in Enumerable.Range(9, 14).Select(i => 
            new Task 
                 Start = today.AddMinutes(i * 60 + 15), 
                 End = today.AddMinutes((i + 1) * 60), 
                 Subject = string.Format("Task num. {0}",i), 
                 IsDone = today.AddMinutes((i + 1) * 60) < DateTime.Now 
Public Sub New() 
    ' "this.scheduleView" refers to the RadScheduleView instance that we are targetting 
    Me.scheduleView.AppointmentsSource = New TasksCollection() 
End Sub 
Public Class TasksCollection 
    Inherits ObservableCollection(Of Task) 
        Public Sub New() 
            Dim today As Date = Date.Today 
            For Each t As Task In Enumerable.Range(9, 14).Select(Function(i) New Task With { 
                .Start = today.AddMinutes(i * 60 + 15), 
                .End = today.AddMinutes((i + 1) * 60), 
                .Subject = String.Format("Task num. {0}",i), 
                .IsDone = today.AddMinutes((i + 1) * 60) < Date.Now 
            Next t 
        End Sub 
End Class 

Figure 1: Result from Example 2

RadScheduleView with custom appointments

Creating a Custom Appointment Dialog

In order to create a custom appointment dialog we are going to modify the EditAppointmentDialogStyle property of RadScheduleView control. The DataContext of the SchedulerDialog, which is the TargetType of this style is an AppointmentDialogViewModel object. This class contains all needed data for editing an appointment including the Appointment itself. It can be reached by using the Occurrence property of the ViewModel and subsequently the Appointment property of Occurrence.

Now that we have our custom IsDone property, let's add a CheckBox for it and bind to it. In order to do that, you need to extract and modify the default ControlTemplate of the EditAppointmentDialog with x:Key="EditAppointmentTemplate". You can locate it in the "Themes.Implicit\"your theme"\Themes\" directory inside the UI for WPF installation folder. The template along with the style through which it can be applied with x:Key="EditAppointmentDialogStyle", can be found in the "Telerik.Windows.Controls.ScheduleView.xaml" file. For more information about extracting and modifying the dialog ControlTemplates, check out the How to extract the default styles of the dialogs section in our documentation.

After you have extracted the default EditAppointmentTemplate, you can add a CheckBox as demonstrated in Example 3 which can replace the CheckBox with x:Name="AllDayEventCheckbox".

Example 3: Bind the IsDone property

 <CheckBox Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="1" Margin="3" Content="Is done?" IsChecked="{Binding Occurrence.Appointment.IsDone, Mode=TwoWay}"/> 

Figure 2: Result from Example 3

RadScheduleView with custom EditAppointmentDialogStyle

The important thing to note here is that we can bind to our new properties using Occurrence.Appointment.

Changing the Style of the AppointmentItem

Next, we are going to change the ControlTemplate of the AppointmentItem to reflect which tasks are done and which are not. We will do that by using the AppointmentStyleSelector property of the RadScheduleView. For more information on extracting and modifying the default style selector, check out the Appointment Style article. For the purposes of this example we will modify the ControlTemplate of the VerticalStyle property.

The DataContext of the AppointmentItem's ControlTemplate represents an AppointmentProxy, which holds the most important properties of the Appointment and the Appointment itself. We want to display a green dot for all tasks that are done. We will achieve this by adding an Ellipse in the ControlTemplate and then binding its Visibility to the IsDone property of the Task through a converter. The Ellipse demonstrated in Example 4 is added to the ControlTemplate of the VerticalStyle. The ControlTemplate's key is "AppointmentItemVerticalControlTemplate". You can refer to the Editing Control Templates article for more information about extracting ControlTemplates.

Example 4: Indicate the status of an appointment with an Ellipse

<Ellipse Fill="Green" Width="12" Height="12" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="10 5 5 5" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Visibility="{Binding Appointment.IsDone, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}" /> 

Customizing the Appointment ToolTip

This step is, of course, optional. The customization of the Appointment ToolTip is achieved by setting the ToolTipTemplate property of RadScheduleView. The DataContext in this template is once again of type AppointmentProxy so we can use the same approach we used in the AppointmentItem ControlTemplate.

Example 5 demonstrates how you can modify the Appointment ToolTipTemplate in order to add the text (Done) only for the tasks which are already done:

Example 5: Define a ToolTipTemplate

<DataTemplate x:Key="ToolTipTemplate"> 
   <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" MinWidth="140" Margin="0 5"> 
      <TextBlock MaxWidth="200" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="{Binding Subject}"/> 
      <TextBlock Text="(Done)" Grid.Row="1" Margin="5 0 5 0" Foreground="#FF191D1A" Visibility="{Binding Appointment.IsDone, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}" FontStyle="Italic" /> 

Figure 3: Result from Examples 4 and 5

RadScheduleView with Custom AppointmentItemTemplate and ToolTipTemplate

By completing this last modification, we have reached the end of the process needed to create a custom appointment in RadScheduleView control.

See Also

In this article