RadScheduleView's NavigationBehavior is responsible for handling the keyboard navigation. The control handles the KeyDown event for the following keys: Tab, PageUp, PageDown, Home, End and all of the arrow keys. The default navigation logic of the control is implemented in the DefaultNavigationBehavior class.
Implementing Custom NavigationBehavior
In order to modify the default NavigationBehavior of the control, you can create a class inheriting DefaultNavigationBehavior. It exposes a single virtual method - Navigate, which is called when one of the navigation keys is pressed. This method receives NavigationData and NavigationDirection parameters. The NavigationData class exposes a property of type ServiceProvider through which you can get information that you might need (such as selected slots and appointments). Example 1 demonstrates how you can prevent the navigation in some scenarios and use the SlotSelectionService.
Example 1: Custom NavigationBehavior
public class CustomNavigationBehavior : DefaultNavigationBehavior
public override void Navigate(NavigationData data, NavigationDirection direction)
// Prevent navigation for the Home key
if (direction == NavigationDirection.First)
// Prevent navigation for the End key
else if (direction == NavigationDirection.Last)
var slotSelectionService = data.ServiceProvider.GetService<SlotSelectionService>();
var currentSlot = slotSelectionService.GetSelection();
if(currentSlot != null)
// Prevent navigation to the right, if we have selected the slot for 24th of September
if(currentSlot.End.Month == 9 && currentSlot.End.Day == 24 && direction == NavigationDirection.Right)
base.Navigate(data, direction);
Public Class CustomNavigationBehavior
Inherits DefaultNavigationBehavior
Public Overrides Sub Navigate(ByVal data As NavigationData, ByVal direction As NavigationDirection)
' Prevent navigation for the Home key
If direction Is NavigationDirection.First Then
' Prevent navigation for the End key
ElseIf direction Is NavigationDirection.Last Then
End If
Dim slotSelectionService = data.ServiceProvider.GetService(Of SlotSelectionService)()
Dim currentSlot = slotSelectionService.GetSelection()
If currentSlot IsNot Nothing Then
' Prevent navigation to the right, if we have selected the slot for 24th of September
If currentSlot.End.Month = 9 AndAlso currentSlot.End.Day = 24 AndAlso direction Is NavigationDirection.Right Then
End If
End If
MyBase.Navigate(data, direction)
End Sub
End Class
Example 2: Applying the custom NavigationBehavior
<!-- The namespace "local" refers to the namespace where the CustomNavigationBehavior is defined -->
<local:CustomNavigationBehavior />