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Appointment Extensions

The AppointmentExtensions class in the Telerik.Windows.Controls.ScheduleView namespace provides you with a number of useful extension methods for working with appointments. Here's a list of them:

  • GetOccurrences(this IAppointment appointment, DateTime from, DateTime to): Gets the occurrences of an appointment for a given interval.

  • GetOccurrencesWithoutExceptionsFromDateTimeRange(this IAppointment appointment, DateTime from, DateTime to): Gets the occurrences of an appointment for a given interval without the exceptions from the recurrence rule.

  • IsAllDay(this IAppointment appointment): Determines whether the specified appointment is an all-day appointment.

  • GetOccurences(this IEnumerable source, IDateSpan span): Returns a collection of occurrences from a set of appointments for a given interval with all exceptions from the recurrence rule. The final collection of occurrences is sorted by their Start property.

See Also

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