Scroll to Particular Row or Column
This article shows how to scroll RadGridView to a particular row and / or column. There are two methods that can be invoked:
- ScrollIntoViewAsync
- ScrollIndexIntoViewAsync.
We can use them against RadGridView with many rows and columns. The ultimate goal would be to scroll to the last column of the last row:
Figure 1: Scroll to the last column of the last row
ScrollIntoViewAsync method accepts the following parameters:
DataItem of type Object - the business object you want to scroll to.
[optional] Column of type GridViewColumn - GridViewColumn you want to scroll to
CallBack method - it will be called when the method succeeds
Here is the code that will scroll to the last row and last column of RadGridView:
Example 1: Scroll to the last row and last column
You should use this method when UI virtualization is turned on (which is by default). If for some reason you have disabled the virtualization - you can use the ScrollIntoView counterpart. The only difference in terms of programming API is that no callback method is called when the ScrollIntoView succeeds.
ScrollIndexIntoViewAsync (added Q3 2011)
ScrollIndexIntoViewAsync method accepts the following parameters:
Index of type int - index of the business object you want to scroll to.
[optional] Column of type GridViewColumn - GridViewColumn you want to scroll to
CallBack method - it will be called when the method succeeds
[optional] CallBack method - the method to execute when scrolling has failed.
Here is the code that will scroll into the last row and last column of RadGridView:
Example 2: Scroll into the last row and last column of RadGridView
You should use this method when UI virtualization is turned on (which is by default). If you have disabled the virtualization - you can use the ScrollIndexIntoView counterpart. The only difference in terms of programming API is that no callback method is called when the ScrollIndexIntoView succeeds.