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.NET MAUI PDF Viewer Search Styling

The .NET MAUI PDF Viewer provides a flexible styling API for its search toolbar items.

As the PDFViewerToolbar is based on the RadToolbar control, all toolbar items in the PDF Viewer inherit from ButtonToolbarItem. All styling properties available for the ButtonToolbarItem are also applicable for the PDF toolbar items.

Styling the Toolbar's Search Item on Mobile

The default search toolbar item displayed on mobile devices is the PdfViewerSearchNavigationToolbarItem (Style property with target type NavigationButtonToolbarItemView). The

The table below lists all toolbar items related to the PdfViewerSearchNavigationToolbarItem and their target types:

Toolbar Item Target Type
PdfViewerNavigateToPreviousSearchResultToolbarItem Style property with target type PdfViewerNavigateToPreviousSearchResultToolbarItemView
PdfViewerNavigateToNextSearchResultToolbarItem Style property with target type PdfViewerNavigateToNextSearchResultToolbarItemView
PdfViewerSearchEntryToolbarItem Style property with target type PdfViewerSearchEntryToolbarItemView
PdfViewerSearchBusyIndicatorToolbarItem Style property with target type PdfViewerSearchBusyIndicatorToolbarItemView
BackNavigationButtonToolbarItemView Style property with target type ButtonToolbarItemView

Styling the Toolbar's Search Item on Desktop

The default search toolbar item displayed on desktop devices is the PdfViewerSearchToolbarItem. The toolbar item exposes the following properties:

  • Style (target type ButtonToolbarItemView)—Specfies the style applied to the toolbar button that opens the search popup on desktop.
  • SearchContentViewStyle (Style with a target type of PdfViewerSearchContentView)—Specifies the style applied to the search popup.

The table below lists all styling properties available in the SearchContentViewStyle:

Toolbar Item Target Type
CloseButtonToolbarItemStyle Style property with target type ButtonToolbarItemView
PreviousSearchResultToolbarItemStyle Style property with target type PdfViewerNavigateToPreviousSearchResultToolbarItemView
NextSearchResultToolbarItemStyle Style property with target type PdfViewerNavigateToNextSearchResultToolbarItemView
SearchEntryToolbarItemStyle Style property with target type PdfViewerSearchEntryToolbarItemView
BusyIndicatorToolbarItemStyle Style property with target type PdfViewerSearchBusyIndicatorToolbarItemView
SearchResultsLabelToolbarItemStyle Style property with target type LabelToolbarItemView

The next table lists the inheritance of the target types:

Target Type Inherits from
PdfViewerSearchBusyIndicatorToolbarItemView BusyIndicatorToolbarItemView
PdfViewerSearchEntryToolbarItemView EntryToolbarItemView
PdfViewerNavigateToPreviousSearchResultToolbarItemView ButtonToolbarItemView
PdfViewerNavigateToNextSearchResultToolbarItemView ButtonToolbarItemView
NavigationButtonToolbarItemView ButtonToolbarItemView

Styling the Search Toast Message on Mobile

The PdfViewerSearchNavigationToolbarItem has a ToastStyle property which allows you to style the toast message with search results on mobile. The target type of the ToastStyle is the PdfViewerSearchToast.

Here is an example how to define the ToastStyle

<Style x:Key="ToastStyle" TargetType="telerik:PdfViewerSearchToast">
    <Setter Property="Fill" Value="#FF7F7F" />
    <Setter Property="TextColor" Value="White" />

And the PdfViewerSearchNavigationToolbarItem:

<telerik:PdfViewerSearchNavigationToolbarItem ToastStyle="{StaticResource ToastStyle}" IsVisible="{OnIdiom Phone=True, Desktop=False}" />

Styling the Search Settings

The search results are highlighted by using the following properties:

  • MainSearchResultFill (Color)—Specifies the fill of the main search result.
  • SearchResultsFill (Color)—Specifies the fill of all search results, except the main result.

Here is an example with styling the MainSearchResultFill and SearchResultsFill:

<telerik:RadPdfViewer x:Name="pdfViewer">
        <telerik:PdfViewerSearchSettings MainSearchResultFill="#99FF7F7F"