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.NET MAUI DataGrid ComboBoxColumn

The DataGridComboBoxColumn uses the Telerik UI for .NET MAUI ComboBox control in Edit mode to select a value from a list.

Important Properties

Here are the specific properties defined for DataGridPickerColumn:

  • ItemsSource (IEnumerable<object>)—This property is used when the source of the Picker items is not part of the data and is the same for all items in the grid.
  • ItemsSourcePath (string)—Specifies a property of your data class that will be used as a source for the Picker control.
  • ItemDisplayBindingPath (string)—Sets the display path of the items in the Picker selector. It points to a field in the items from the ItemsSource collection of the Picker.
  • PropertyName—Defines the name of the property of the object type that represents each row within the grid.
  • DataMemberBinding—Defines the binding which points to the data member of the underlying object being displayed in the column's cell.
  • HeaderText—Defines the content that will be displayed in the Header UI that represents the column.
  • CellContentStyle(DataGridTextCellStyle)—Defines the appearance of each cell associated with this column.
  • CellContentStyleSelector—Defines the StyleSelector instance that allows for the dynamic appearance on a per-cell basis.
  • CellContentFormat—Defines the custom format for each cell value. The String.Format routine is used and the format passed has to be in the form required by this method.
  • CellContentTemplate (DataTemplate)—Defines the appearance of each cell associated with the concrete column. CellContenTemplate enables you to customize the default look of the cell.
  • CellEditTemplate (DataTemplate)—Defines the editor associated with the concrete column. The CellEditTemplate is displayed when the cell is in edit mode.
  • FilterControlTemplate(DataTemplate)—Specifies the user defined template used for the Filtering UI. The template must contain an instance of the Telerik.Maui.Controls.DataGrid.DataGridFilterControlBase class.
  • FooterText—Defines the content that will be displayed in the Footer UI that represents the column.
  • FooterStyle (DataGridColumnFooterStyle)—Defines the Style object that sets the appearance of each footer cell associated with this column.
  • FooterContentTemplate (DataTemplate)—Defines the appearance of the footer.
  • IsResizable(bool)—Specifies whether the user can resize the DataGrid Column. The default value is True.This is only supported in WinUI and MacCatalyst.
  • IsFrozen(bool)—Specifies whether the column is frozen. The default value is False.
  • DataGrid(RadDataGrid)—Gets the corresponding RadDataGrid control.

For more information about CellDecorationStyle and CellDecorationStyleSelector, refer to the Columns Styling topic.

CellContentFormat uses the format string provided by the framework. For more details, refer to the String.Format article.


<telerik:DataGridComboBoxColumn PropertyName="Country"
                                CellContentFormat="Picked: {0}"
        <telerik:DataGridTextCellStyle SelectedTextColor="DarkGreen"
                                       FontSize="15" />

DataGrid Picker Column

Example with CellContentTemplate and CellEditTemplate

 <telerik:DataGridComboBoxColumn PropertyName="Country"
                <VerticalStackLayout InputTransparent="True">
                    <Grid BackgroundColor="Orange"
                          Margin="0, 10, 0, 0">
                        <Label Text="{Binding Country}"
                               Margin="0, 5, 0, 5"
                               VerticalTextAlignment="Center" /> 
                    <Label Text="Some Custom Text"
                           FontSize="10" />  
           <!-- add the control here for example: <Picker/> <telerik:RadComboBox/>-->

See Also

In this article