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Commands & Events

The .NET MAUI AIPrompt provides several commands that you can utilize when working with the component.

The following list shows the commands that are exposed by the AIPrompt control:

  • PromptRequestCommand(ICommand)—Executed when the end-user makes a request by pressing the input button inside the Input View.
  • OutputItemCopyCommand(ICommand)—Executed when the copy button of the generated response item is pressed.
  • OutputItemRetryCommand(ICommand)—Executed when the retry button of the generated response item is pressed
  • OutputItemRatingChangedCommand(ICommand)—Executed when the rating of the generated response is changed through the UI.
  • CommandTappedCommand(ICommand)—Executed when an AIPrompt command is pressed.

In addition, the AIPrompt exposes PromptRequest event:

  • PromptRequest—Occurs when the end-user makes a request by pressing the input button inside the Input View. The PromptRequest event handler receives two parameters:
    • The sender which is the RadAIPrompt control.
    • System.EventArgsobject.

See Also

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