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Predefined AI Commands

The AIPrompt exposes the Commands collection. It allows you to provide a collection of objects deriving from the AIPromptCommandBase class that will be displayed in the Commands View of the component.

The AIPromptCommandBase class provides the following properties:

  • ImageSource(ImageSource)—Allows you to display an icon for the command in the Commands View of the AIPrompt control.
  • Text(string)—Allows you to specify a string that will display information about the command.

In addition, you can use the AIPromptCommand class which inherits from AIPromtCommandBase and provides additional Command property:

  • Command(ICommand)—Defines the command that is executed when the AIPrompt command is tapped.

You can use three different approaches to add a logic that will be executed when the user interacts with the Commands View's items. All are listed below according to their precedence.

Using AIPromptCommand's Command property

Let's, for example, add the following AIPromptCommand to Commands collection:

 this.Commands.Add(new AIPromptCommand
  {     mageSource = new FontImageSource() { FontFamily = TelerikFont.Name, Size = 12, Glyph = TelerikFont.IconPaste}, 
        Text = "Simplify", 
        Command = this.CheckSyntaxCommand });
this.CheckSyntaxCommand = new Command(this.ExecuteCheckSyntaxCommand);

where ExecuteCheckSyntaxCommand is defined like this:

private void ExecuteCheckSyntaxCommand(object arg)
    Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("executing", "check for syntax errors command", "close");

In case the AIPromptCommand has Command applied, that Command will be executed when the corresponding command item in the Commands View is tapped.

Using the RadAIPrompt's CommandTappedCommand

In case the AIPromptCommand'Command is null, the AIPrompt's CommandTappedCommand will be executed:

 this.Commands.Add(new AIPromptCommand
  {     mageSource = new FontImageSource() { FontFamily = TelerikFont.Name, Size = 12, Glyph = TelerikFont.IconPaste}, 
        Text = "Simplify"});
this.CommandTappedCommand = new Command(this.ExecuteCommandTappedCommand);

Using the RadAIPrompt'PromptRequestCommand

In case neither the AIPromptCommand'Command is null nor the CommandTappedCommand is provided, and the Command View's items are tapped, the InputText is updated to the AIPromptCommand'Text and the RadAIPrompt'PromptRequestCommand is executed.

For more information on how to define and execute ai commands, go to Commands View topic.

See Also

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