Namespace Telerik.Maui.Controls.RichTextEditor
Represents the event arguments for the InsertImageError event. |
Represents the event arguments for the OpenHyperlinkError event. |
Represents the event arguments for the PickImage event. |
Provides a customizable toolbar for the RadRichTextEditor component. |
Reperesents an image source from a data buffer in the RadRichTextEditor. |
Specifies the decorations of a span of text. |
RichTextEditorAddHyperlinkToolbarItem Opens a popup with a RichTextEditorHyperlinkDialogToolbarItemViewContent where to enter Url information and executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to add a hyperlink for the current selection. |
RichTextEditorAddImageToolbarItem When image is not selected in the RadRichTextEditor awaits the result in the PickImageEventArgs of PickImage event to get the RichTextImageSource and inserts the image. |
RichTextEditorAddOrEditHyperlinkToolbarItem Opens a popup with a RichTextEditorHyperlinkDialogToolbarItemViewContent where to enter Url information and executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to add or edit a hyperlink for the current selection. |
RichTextEditorAddOrEditImageToolbarItem If Image is selected in the RadRichTextEditor opens a dialog with RichTextEditorImageDialogToolbarItemViewContent to edit the image. If Image is not selected in the RadRichTextEditor awaits the result in the PickImageEventArgs of PickImage event to get the RichTextImageSource and inserts the image. |
RichTextEditorAlignCenterToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to align the content centered in the available space. |
RichTextEditorAlignJustifyToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to distribute the content evenly in the available space. |
RichTextEditorAlignLeftToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to align the content to the left of the available space. |
RichTextEditorAlignRightToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to align the content to the right of the available space. |
RichTextEditorBoldContextMenuItem Represents the toggle Bold RadRichTextEditor context menu item. |
Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to make the text bold. |
RichTextEditorBulletingToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to create a bulleted/unordered list. |
RichTextEditorButtonToolbarItem Represents a button item in the RadRichTextEditorToolbar control. |
RichTextEditorClearFormattingToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to clear all formatting for the selection. |
RichTextEditorColorPickerItemTemplateSelector A template selector responsible for choosing the corresponding template for a given color of the RichTextEditorColorPickerToolbarItem drop down list. |
RichTextEditorColorPickerToolbarItem Allows picking a specific color from a collection of colors. Base class for RichTextEditor toolbar items which work with picking color, such as RichTextEditorTextColorToolbarItem and RichTextEditorHighlightTextColorToolbarItem. |
RichTextEditorColorPickerToolbarItemView Visual representation of a color picker button in the RadRichTextEditorToolbar control. |
RichTextEditorColorPickerToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the drop-down list content in a RichTextEditorColorPickerToolbarItemView. |
RichTextEditorContextMenuItemBase Base class representing a context menu item for RadRichTextEditor. |
RichTextEditorCopyContextMenuItem Represents the Copy RadRichTextEditor context menu item. |
Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to copy the selected HTML to the clipboard. |
RichTextEditorCustomContextMenuItem Represents a custom context menu item for RadRichTextEditor that allows setting the Title, Command and CommandParameter. |
RichTextEditorCutContextMenuItem Represents the Cut RadRichTextEditor context menu item. |
Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to cut the selected HTML to the clipboard. |
RichTextEditorDialogToolbarItem Allows a manual data entry from a popup dialog. |
RichTextEditorDialogToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the popup content of the RichTextEditorDialogToolbarItem. |
RichTextEditorEditHyperlinkToolbarItem Opens a popup with a RichTextEditorHyperlinkDialogToolbarItemViewContent where to enter Url information and executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to edit a hyperlink for the current selection. |
RichTextEditorEditImageToolbarItem Opens a dialog with RichTextEditorImageDialogToolbarItemViewContent to edit an image in the RadRichTextEditor. |
RichTextEditorFontAttributesToolbarItem Base class for RichTextEditor toolbar items which work with text font attributes, such as RichTextEditorBoldToolbarItem, RichTextEditorItalicToolbarItem, RichTextEditorSubscriptToolbarItem and RichTextEditorSuperscriptToolbarItem. |
RichTextEditorFontFamilyToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to change the font family of the text with the selected from this |
RichTextEditorFontSizeToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to change the font size of the text with the selected from this RichTextEditorFontSizeToolbarItem font size. |
RichTextEditorHighlightTextColorToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to change the highlight color of the text with the selected from this RichTextEditorHighlightTextColorToolbarItem color. |
RichTextEditorHorizontalTextAlignmentToolbarItem Base class for RichTextEditor toolbar items which work with horizontal text alignment, such as RichTextEditorAlignLeftToolbarItem, RichTextEditorAlignCenterToolbarItem, RichTextEditorAlignRightToolbarItem and RichTextEditorAlignJustifyToolbarItem. |
RichTextEditorHyperlinkDialogToolbarItem Base abstract class for RichTextEditorAddHyperlinkToolbarItem, RichTextEditorAddOrEditHyperlinkToolbarItem, RichTextEditorEditHyperlinkToolbarItem and RichTextEditorHyperlinkNavigationToolbarItem. |
RichTextEditorHyperlinkDialogToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the popup content of the RichTextEditorHyperlinkDialogToolbarItem. |
RichTextEditorHyperlinkNavigationToolbarItem If hyperlink is selected inside the RadRichTextEditor navigates the RadRichTextEditorToolbar to its subitems, such as RichTextEditorEditHyperlinkToolbarItem, RichTextEditorOpenHyperlinkToolbarItem and RichTextEditorRemoveHyperlinkToolbarItem. If hyperlink is not selected inside RadRichTextEditor opens a popup with a RichTextEditorHyperlinkDialogToolbarItemViewContent where to enter Url information and executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to add a hyperlink for the current selection. |
RichTextEditorImageDialogToolbarItem Base abstract class for RichTextEditorAddOrEditImageToolbarItem and RichTextEditorEditImageToolbarItem. |
RichTextEditorImageDialogToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the popup content of the RichTextEditorImageDialogToolbarItem. |
RichTextEditorImageNavigationToolbarItem If image is selected inside the RadRichTextEditor navigates the RadRichTextEditorToolbar to image operations toolbar items, such as RichTextEditorEditImageToolbarItem, RichTextEditorRemoveImageToolbarItem, RichTextEditorCopyToolbarItem, RichTextEditorCutToolbarItem, RichTextEditorPasteHtmlToolbarItem. If image is not selected inside RadRichTextEditor awaits the result in the PickImageEventArgs of PickImage event to get the RichTextImageSource and inserts the image. |
RichTextEditorImagePickerToolbarItem Allows picking an image from a collection of pre-defined images. |
RichTextEditorImagePickerToolbarItemView Visual representation of a image picker button in the RadRichTextEditorToolbar control. |
RichTextEditorImagePickerToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the drop-down list content in a RichTextEditorImagePickerToolbarItemView. |
RichTextEditorIndentToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to move the content of the current or selected paragraphs farther away from the margin of the control. |
RichTextEditorItalicContextMenuItem Represents the toggle italic RadRichTextEditor context menu item. |
RichTextEditorItalicToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to make the text italic. |
RichTextEditorListPickerButtonToolbarItem Represents a list picker button in the RadRichTextEditorToolbar control. |
RichTextEditorListPickerToolbarItemView Visual representation of a button displaying a drop-down panel in the RadRichTextEditorToolbar control. |
RichTextEditorListPickerToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the drop-down list content in a RichTextEditorListPickerToolbarItemView. |
RichTextEditorListTypeToolbarItem Base class for RichTextEditor toolbar items for list formatting, such as RichTextEditorBulletingToolbarItem and RichTextEditorNumberingToolbarItem. |
RichTextEditorNumberingToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to create a numbered/ordered list. |
RichTextEditorOpenHyperlinkContextMenuItem Represents the Open hyperlink RadRichTextEditor context menu item. |
RichTextEditorOpenHyperlinkToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to open the hyperlink for the current selection. |
RichTextEditorOutdentToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to move the content of the current or selected paragraphs closer the margin of the control. |
RichTextEditorPasteContextMenuItem Represents the Paste RadRichTextEditor context menu item. |
RichTextEditorPasteHtmlToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to paste HTML from the clipboard. |
RichTextEditorPastePlainTextContextMenuItem Represents the Paste as plain text RadRichTextEditor context menu item. |
RichTextEditorRadioButtonToolbarItem Represents a radio button in the RadRichTextEditorToolbar control. |
Re-does the last action of the RadRichTextEditor. |
RichTextEditorRemoveHyperlinkToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to remove the hyperlink for the current selection. |
RichTextEditorRemoveImageToolbarItem Removes the currently selected image in the RadRichTextEditor. |
RichTextEditorSelectAllContextMenuItem Represents the select all content RadRichTextEditor context menu item. |
RichTextEditorStrikethroughToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to cross out the text. |
RichTextEditorSubscriptToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to make the text small and positioned below the paragraph line. |
RichTextEditorSuperscriptToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to make the text small and positioned above the paragraph line. |
RichTextEditorTextColorToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor change the text color of the text with the selected from this RichTextEditorTextColorToolbarItem color. |
RichTextEditorTextDecorationsToolbarItem Base class for RichTextEditor toolbar items which work with text decorations, such as RichTextEditorUnderlineToolbarItem and RichTextEditorStrikethroughToolbarItem. |
RichTextEditorTextFormattingToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to change the style of the text with the selected from this RichTextEditorTextFormattingToolbarItem style. |
RichTextEditorToggleButtonToolbarItem Represents a toggle button in the RadRichTextEditorToolbar control. |
RichTextEditorUnderlineToolbarItem Executes an action of the RadRichTextEditor to underline the text. |
Un-does the last action of the RadRichTextEditor. |
Represents event arguments for an error in the RadRichTextEditor. |
Reperesents an image source from a file in the RadRichTextEditor. |
Specifies the font attributes of a span of text. |
Specifies the formatting of a block of text. |
Specifies the horizontal alignment of a block of text. |
RichTextSource that loads HTML from a System.IO.Stream. |
RichTextSource that loads HTML from a string. |
Represents a hyperlink in the RadRichTextEditor. |
Represents an image in the RadRichTextEditor. |
Reperesents an image source in the RadRichTextEditor. |
Specifies the format type of an image. |
Specifies the list type of a block of text. |
Specifies the content type to paste from the clipboard. |
Represents a selection in the RadRichTextEditor. |
Represents a range of selected text RadRichTextEditor. |
Abstract class whose implementors provide HTML source for the RadRichTextEditor. |
Reperesents an image source from a Stream in the RadRichTextEditor. |
Represents a unit of measurement. |
Specifies the type of a measurement unit. |
Reperesents an image source from a URL in the RadRichTextEditor. |