Namespace Telerik.Maui.Controls.Map
Represents a concrete MapSource implementation working with files that is used by the MapShapeReader to read the shapes. |
Represents a command abstraction that is associated with a particular RadMap instance. |
Defines the available interaction modes in the RadMap. |
Base class for all layers that may reside within a RadMap instance. |
Defines the available selection modes in a MapShapefileLayer. |
Represents a concrete MapLayer implementation that is used to visualize geometry information coming from a MapShapeReader. |
Defines the appearance of labels visualized in the RadMap. |
Represents a MapShapeReader implementation that loads and parses shape files. |
Defines the appearance of the shapes visualized by the MapShapefileLayer. |
Defines a type that may be used to dynamically style shape instances visualized within a MapShapefileLayer. |
Base class for all sources that may be used by the MapShapeReader. |
Command implementation used for performing zoom in operation over a particular RadMap instance. |
Command implementation used for performing zoom out operation over a particular RadMap instance. |
Represents a custom view implementation that enables rich GeoSpatial data visualization. |
Represents a concrete MapSource implementation working with stream that is used by the MapShapeReader to read the shapes. |