Namespace Telerik.Maui.Controls
Enumeration of the different animation types used in RadBusyIndicator. |
A converter that checks if the value and the ConverterParameter from the Binding are equal. |
A converter that executes an arithmetic operation with the value and one operand. |
AttachableObjectCollection<TOwner, TObject>
Enum used by RadAutoComplete for specifying the way the control will filter its ItemsSource when typing in its input. The matching items to the filter will be displayed in a SuggestionView if the RadAutoComplete.AutoCompleteSuggestMode is Append or SuggestAppend. |
Enum used by RadAutoComplete for specifying the way in which a picked item from the SuggestionView will be visualized. |
Enum for specifying the position of a popup which placement target is horizontally stretched. |
Enum used by RadAutoComplete for specifying the way the control will behave when typing in its input. |
BackNavigationButtonToolbarItemView Visual representation of a button for navigating back in the hierarchy of the RadToolbar control. |
Represents a RadBusyIndicator in the RadToolbar control. |
Visual representation of a busy indicator in the RadToolbar control. |
Represents a button in the RadToolbar control. |
Visual representation of a button in the RadToolbar control. |
ButtonToolbarItemViewIndicator Visual representation of an indicator in a ButtonToolbarItemView. |
A helper class that contains utility extensions for buttons. |
Defines the different visibility options that a button can have. |
ComboBoxSelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the ComboBox SelectionChanged event. |
Defines the available selection modes within a RadComboBox component. |
A helper class that contains utility extensions for content presenter. |
CornerRadiusToThicknessConverter Converts Microsoft.Maui.CornerRadius to Microsoft.Maui.Thickness and converts back Microsoft.Maui.Thickness to Microsoft.Maui.CornerRadius. |
A converter that converts a number (for example 7) to a list of numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). |
Specifies when the changes in the current DataFormEditor are committed to the underlying business object associated with the corresponding RadDataForm. |
Base abstract class, representing a content in the RadDataForm control. |
Represents a custom editor in the RadDataForm. |
DataFormCustomEditorContentPresenter Represents the custom content of a DataFormCustomEditor. |
Arranges the items of a RadDataForm in a custom layout. The actual layout used to arrange the items is determined by the LayoutTemplate property. |
Represents a date picker in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is Microsoft.Maui.Controls.DatePicker. |
Base abstract class for all editors in a RadDataForm. |
DataFormEditorCustomValidationRule Represents a custom validation rule of a DataFormEditor. The validation rule can execute a custom validation logic on the underlying business object. For more information see the Validation property and the DataFormValidationDelegate delegate type. |
DataFormEditorGeneratedEventArgs Event arguments allowing to customize the generated DataFormEditor for a given property in the RadDataForm. |
DataFormEditorLengthValidationRule Validates that the string length of the current value is between the specified minimum and maximum length. The MinimumLength and MaximumLength properties are optional allowing null values. When any of these properties is set to null, that indicates there is no minimum or maximum length constraint. |
Organizes the content of a DataFormEditor into columns and rows. |
DataFormEditorPropertyValidationRule Base abstract class for all property validation rules of a DataFormEditor. |
DataFormEditorRangeValidationRule Validates that the current value is between the specified minimum and maximum value. The Minimum and Maximum properties are optional allowing null values. When any of these properties is set to null, that indicates there is no minimum or maximum constraint. |
DataFormEditorRegexValidationRule Executes a custom regular expression to validate the current string value. |
DataFormEditorRequiredValidationRule Validates that the current value is not null or an empty string. |
DataFormEditorValidationCompletedEventArgs Event arguments providing additional validation information for the DataFormEditor. |
Contains additional information about a validation error of a DataFormEditor. |
Base abstract class for all custom validation rules of a DataFormEditor. |
DataFormEditorValueChangedEventArgs Event arguments providing additional information about a value change in a DataFormEditor. |
Specifies the display options of the error indicator in a DataFormEditor. This enumeration type supports a bitwise combination of its member values. |
Specifies the relative position of the error indicator in the DataFormEditor. |
Arranges the items of a RadDataForm in a flex layout. The behavior of the individual items can be controlled further with some of the attached properties of the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FlexLayout type. For more information see the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FlexLayout component. |
Arranges the items of a RadDataForm in a grid layout. The grid has a pre-defined number of columns with uniform lengths. Starting from the top left corner, the items are arranged horizontally by columns, until the maximum number of columns is reached, then the process continues from the next row. Each item occupies only a single cell of the grid by default. That behavior can be overridden with the ColumnSpan and RowSpan attached properties of the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Grid type. For more information see the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Grid component. |
Represents a visual grouping of items in a RadDataForm. |
Represents the content area of a DataFormGroup item in a RadDataForm. |
DataFormGroupGeneratedEventArgs Event arguments allowing to customize the generated DataFormGroup in the RadDataForm. |
Represents the header area of a DataFormGroup item in a RadDataForm. |
Specifies the display options of the header in a DataFormItem. This is applicable for both DataFormEditor and DataFormGroup. This enumeration type supports a bitwise combination of its member values. |
Specifies the relative position of the header label in the DataFormEditor. |
Base abstract class for all text input editors of the RadDataForm. |
Base abstract class for all child items of a RadDataForm. |
Base abstract class for all layout definitions supported by the RadDataForm. The layout definition is responsible for controlling how the individual items are sized and arranged within the RadDataForm. |
Represents a multi-line text editor in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Editor. |
DataFormObjectValidationCompletedEventArgs Event arguments providing additional object validation information for the RadDataForm. |
Contains additional information about a validation error of the RadDataForm. |
Represents a custom validation rule of the RadDataForm. The validation rule can execute a custom validation logic on the underlying business object. For more information see the Validation property and the DataFormValidationDelegate delegate type. |
Represents a check box editor in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadCheckBox. |
Represents a combo box editor in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadComboBox. |
Represents a date picker in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadDatePicker. |
DataFormRadDateTimePickerEditor Represents a date and time picker in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadDateTimePicker. |
Represents an e-mail masked editor in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadEmailMaskedEntry. |
Represents a text editor in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadEntry. |
DataFormRadEntryPasswordEditor Represents a password text editor in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadEntry. |
Represents a list picker in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadListPicker. |
Base abstract class for all masked editors of the RadDataForm. |
Represents a numeric editor in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadNumericInput. |
DataFormRadNumericMaskedEditor Represents a numeric masked editor in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadNumericMaskedEntry. |
Base abstract class for all pickers of the RadDataForm. |
Represents a regular expression masked editor in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadRegexMaskedEntry. |
Represents a segmented editor in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadSegmentedControl. |
Represents a text masked editor in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadTextMaskedEntry. |
Represents a time picker in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadTimePicker. |
DataFormRadTimeSpanPickerEditor Represents a time span picker in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is RadTimeSpanPicker. |
Base abstract class for all value type masked editors of the RadDataForm. |
Represents a switch editor in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Switch. |
Represents a time picker in the RadDataForm. The actual editor control used is Microsoft.Maui.Controls.TimePicker. |
DataFormValidationCompletedEventArgs Event arguments providing additional validation information for the RadDataForm. |
Represents a delegate of a custom validation function to execute. |
Contains additional information about a validation error of the RadDataForm. |
Specifies when the changes in the current DataFormEditor are validated. |
Base abstract class for all valudation rules in a RadDataForm. |
Displays one or more validation errors in a RadDataForm or a DataFormEditor. |
Arranges the items of a RadDataForm in a vertical stack layout. For more information see the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VerticalStackLayout component. |
Represents an Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IValueConverter that converts System.DateOnly to System.DateTime and converts back System.DateTime to System.DateOnly. |
Represents a definition of a view that shows a single day in day view mode. |
Represents a button displaying a drop-down panel in the RadToolbar control. |
Visual representation of a button displaying a drop-down panel in the RadToolbar control. |
DropDownButtonToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the drop-down content in a DropDownButtonToolbarItemView. |
DropDownButtonToolbarItemViewIndicator Visual representation of the drop-down indicator in a DropDownButtonToolbarItemView. |
Represents a button displaying a drop-down list in the RadToolbar control. |
DropDownListButtonToolbarItemView Visual representation of a button displaying a drop-down list in the RadToolbar control. |
DropDownListButtonToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the drop-down list content in a DropDownListButtonToolbarItemView. |
Represents a button displaying a drop-down menu in the RadToolbar control. |
DropDownMenuButtonToolbarItemView Visual representation of a button displaying a drop-down menu in the RadToolbar control. |
DropDownMenuButtonToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the drop-down menu content in a DropDownMenuButtonToolbarItemView. |
Specifies the drag-and-drop operation. |
Defines the modes for displaying empty content. |
Represents an entry in the RadToolbar control. |
Visual representation of a RadEntry control in RadToolbar. |
FirstNotNullBindingMultiValueConverter A multi-binding-converter that returns the first value that is not null. |
Represents a group of toolbar items in the RadToolbar control. The group works as a container of its child toolbar items keeping them in one place. For instance, when the group does not fit in the main strip area of the toolbar, all child toolbar items are moved to the overflow area together. Another use is to create two or more independent sets of radio buttons in the toolbar. Normally, only one radio button can be selected at a time. To create independent sets of radio buttons, they can be placed in separate groups. |
Visual representation of a group of toolbar items in the RadToolbar control. The group works as a container of its child toolbar items keeping them in one place. For instance, when the group does not fit in the main strip area of the toolbar, all child toolbar items are moved to the overflow area together. Another use is to create two or more independent sets of radio buttons in the toolbar. Normally, only one radio button can be selected at a time. To create independent sets of radio buttons, they can be placed in separate groups. |
ImageEditorAdjustmentToolbarItem Abstract base class for all items performing adjustments in the RadImageEditorToolbar control. |
Applies the changes from the currently executing interactive command in the RadImageEditor control. |
Activates the blur interactive command in the RadImageEditor control. |
ImageEditorBrightnessToolbarItem Activates the brightness interactive command in the RadImageEditor control. |
Cancels the changes from the currently executing interactive command in the RadImageEditor control. |
ImageEditorContrastToolbarItem Activates the contrast interactive command in the RadImageEditor control. |
ImageEditorCropOptionsToolbarItem Represents a button displaying a crop options panel in the RadImageEditorToolbar control. |
ImageEditorCropOptionsToolbarItemView Visual representation of a button displaying a crop options panel in the RadImageEditorToolbar control. |
ImageEditorCropOptionsToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the crop options content in a ImageEditorCropOptionsToolbarItemView. |
Activates the crop interactive command in the RadImageEditor control. |
ImageEditorFilterOptionsToolbarItem Represents a button displaying a filter options panel in the RadImageEditorToolbar control. |
ImageEditorFilterOptionsToolbarItemView Visual representation of a button displaying a filter options panel in the RadImageEditorToolbar control. |
ImageEditorFilterOptionsToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the filter options content in a ImageEditorFilterOptionsToolbarItemView. |
Allows choosing one of the available filters in the RadImageEditorToolbar control. |
ImageEditorFlipHorizontalToolbarItem Executes an action on the RadImageEditor control to flip the image in horizontal direction. |
ImageEditorFlipVerticalToolbarItem Executes an action on the RadImageEditor control to flip the image in vertical direction. |
Activates the hue interactive command in the RadImageEditor control. |
ImageEditorNavigationToolbarItem Abstract base class for all navigation items in the RadImageEditorToolbar control. |
Represents a button displaying an options panel in the RadImageEditorToolbar control. |
ImageEditorOptionsToolbarItemView Visual representation of a button displaying an options panel in the RadImageEditorToolbar control. |
ImageEditorOptionsToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the options content in a ImageEditorOptionsToolbarItemView. |
Redoes the last executed action on the RadImageEditor control. |
ImageEditorResizeOptionsToolbarItem Represents a button displaying a resize options panel in the RadImageEditorToolbar control. |
ImageEditorResizeOptionsToolbarItemView Visual representation of a button displaying a resize options panel in the RadImageEditorToolbar control. |
ImageEditorResizeOptionsToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the resize options content in a ImageEditorResizeOptionsToolbarItemView. |
Activates the scale interactive command in the RadImageEditor control. |
ImageEditorRotateLeftToolbarItem Executes an action on the RadImageEditor control to rotate the image 90 degrees to the left. |
ImageEditorRotateRightToolbarItem Executes an action on the RadImageEditor control to rotate the image 90 degrees to the right. |
ImageEditorSaturationToolbarItem Activates the saturation interactive command in the RadImageEditor control. |
Activates the sharpen interactive command in the RadImageEditor control. |
ImageEditorSplitButtonToolbarItem Abstract base class for all split button items in the RadImageEditorToolbar control. |
ImageEditorTransformationsToolbarItem Allows choosing one of the available transformations in the RadImageEditorToolbar control. |
Undoes the last executed action on the RadImageEditor control. |
Zooms the image in with the default zoom change factor in the RadImageEditor control. |
Zooms the image in with the default zoom change factor in the RadImageEditor control. |
ImageEditorZoomToFitToolbarItem Zooms the image to fit the available screen space in the RadImageEditor control. |
Displays a drop-down menu with zoom commands in the RadImageEditor control. |
ImageEditorZoomToolbarItemView Visual representation of a button displaying a drop-down menu with zoom commands in the RadImageEditor control. |
ImageEditorZoomToOriginalToolbarItem Zooms the image to its original size in the RadImageEditor control. |
Converts a string that represent a list of ints to an observable collection of ints. The integers in the string must be separated with a comma, for example "10, 20, 50". |
Represents a custom Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IValueConverter that converts a Boolean value to its opposite value. |
InvertedNullToBooleanConverter Converts a non-null value to a System.Boolean value. When the provided value is not null, the converter returns true. When the provided value is null, the converter returns false. |
An Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IValueConverter that checks whether a value is of a given type or a subclass of it and returns a pre-defined value in accordance. |
Indicates whether the dragged item should be placed before or after the destination item. |
A class that provides data for performed keyboard actions. |
Represents a label in the RadToolbar control. The label can display a text and optionally an image next to it. |
Visual representation of a label in the RadToolbar control. The label can display a text and optionally an image next to it. |
A helper class that contains utility extensions for labels. |
Represents a list picker button in the RadToolbar control. |
ListPickerButtonToolbarItemView Visual representation of a list picker button in the RadToolbar control. |
ListPickerButtonToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the drop-down list content in a ListPickerButtonToolbarItemView. |
Represents definition of a view that shows 42 days in month view mode. |
Converts multiple bool values to a single one by applying AND / OR logical operator. |
Represents definition of a view that shows multiple days as in day view mode. |
Represents abstract definition of a view that shows multiple days. |
Represents a navigation button in the RadToolbar control. |
NavigationButtonToolbarItemView Visual representation of a navigation button in the RadToolbar control. |
Defines constants that specify how the pane is shown in a NavigationView. |
Converts a null value to a System.Boolean value. When the provided value is null, the converter returns true. When the provided value is not null, the converter returns false. |
Represents a button displaying an options panel in the RadToolbar control. |
Visual representation of a button displaying an options panel in the RadToolbar control. |
OptionsButtonToolbarItemViewContent Visual representation of the options content in a OptionsButtonToolbarItemView. |
OverflowMenuButtonToolbarItemView Visual representation of a button displaying an overflow menu in the RadToolbar control. |
Represents a content view of a picker. |
Represents the content to display in a picker when a value is selected. |
Represents the content area of the picker drop-down. |
Represents the footer area of the picker drop-down. |
Defines the available settings when the picker is in a drop-down mode. For more information see PickerMode. |
Represents the content area of the picker expander. |
Allows the selection of a single value from a list of values. |
Specifies the mode of the picker. |
Represents the placeholder content to display in a picker when no value is selected. |
Represents the content area of the picker popup. |
Represents the footer area of the picker popup. |
Represents the header area of the picker popup. |
Defines the available settings when the picker is in a popup mode. For more information see PickerMode. |
A base class for all picker settings. For more information see PickerMode. |
Represents a selector with a custom template. |
Event arguments containing the current progress of the RadLinearProgressBar. |
A component that bridges the gap between the Maui app and the next-generation AI language model applications. Use the AIPrompt to provide your users with with chat capabilities or pre-determined ways to interact with a trained language model of your choice. |
A button that uses a RadPopup to display a RadAIPrompt when clicked. |
The AutoComplete control provides suggestions while typing into a field, can complete user input and display multiple chosen tokens. |
Represents a control that is used for displaying an additional marker on its content, like number of items or notifications. |
Base abstract class for all composite controls based on custom Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ControlTemplates and custom Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Styles. Defines additional properties for border color, border brush, border thickness and corner radius. |
Represents a busy indicator with different AnimationType. |
Base class for clickable views. |
Represents a calendar control that allows you to select a date. |
Represents the topmost layout that holds the calendar views - month, year, decade or century. |
Represents the resource dictionary for the RadCalendar control. |
A component that visualizes chat conversation between two or more participants. Has a built-in mechanism for displaying time-pickers, action-cards, and other things that bot services commonly use. Has a built-in TypingIndicator to let the user know if othe participants in the chat are currently writing. |
Represents a control that can be used to present a collection of items. |
Represents a group item in a RadCollectionView control. |
Represents a selectable item in a RadCollectionView control. |
Base abstract class for all composite controls based on custom ControlTemplates and custom Styles. |
The RadDataForm is a customizable component which allows you to easily create an input form for manual data entry of business object data. The individual editors may either be inferred automatically from the metadata of the underlying business object data model or specified manually in XAML or code. The control supports different validation and commit modes, which makes it possible to validate or commit property values one by one or commit the entire data form at once. The control supports a rich set of pre-defined editors out of the box. |
Represents a custom Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View implementation that may be used to visualize data in tabular format - that is by rows and columns. |
Provides users with a navigation interface for paging through any data collection. It supplies a paged data source for data-bound controls, and is particularly useful when working with large datasets. |
Allows picking single date based on provided MinimumDate, MaximumDate and |
Allows picking date and/or time values based on provided MinimumDate, MaximumDate as |
A layout that position its children based on their Dock value relative to each other. |
A control that provides effects for such as ripple. |
RadEntry is a single line text entry. It is best used for collecting small discrete pieces of information, like usernames and passwords. |
Represents the control that redistributes space between columns or rows of a Grid control. |
RadGridSplitter.GridResizeBehavior Enum to indicate what Columns or Rows the Splitter resizes. |
RadGridSplitter.GridResizeDirection Enum to indicate whether the Splitter resizes Columns or Rows. |
Provides support for visualization, manipulation and editing of images in different file formats. |
Provides a customizable toolbar for the RadImageEditor component. The toolbar exposes all actions supported by the image editor via a collection of highly customizable toolbar items. The toolbar items can be styled, arranged and organized in different configurations according to the needs of the application. |
Represents a radio button in the RadToolbar control. |
Visual representation of a radio button in the RadToolbar control. |
Represents a lightweight collection of items. Supports scrolling and virtualization, item styles and templates. |
Represents a control that is used to visualize the progression of an extended task. |
Allows picking a single value from a list of values. |
Represents a multitude of paths. |
The RadNavigationView control provides a common vertical layout for top-level areas in your application via a collapsible navigation menu. |
Represents a templated input control for numeric data. |
Represents a simple path defined by its Geometry. |
Represents a simple path definition defined by its Geometry. |
Displays PDF documents. Works with RadPdfViewerToolbar to expose interactions like zoom in/out, search, navigate in pages and search results. |
A base class for all pickers. |
Represents a slider control that displays a start-end range in a given min-max range. The end user can change the values of the range by dragging the start thumb, end thumb, and range track. This control can display ticks and labels for clarity of what the underlying min-max range is, and can display tooltips for clarity of what the value corresponding to the dragged element is. |
Encapsulates common RadRating logic. |
RadRichTextEditor is a WYSIWYG control that can display and edit HTML content. |
RadScheduler is a radically different scheduling component, going beyond the standard Microsoft Outlook-style control. The RadScheduler empowers end users with unprecedented control over precision and flexibility when handling their appointments. |
Represents the topmost layout that holds the scheduler view definitions. |
Represents a horizontal or vertical scroll bar in a scrollable control. Provides consistent look and feel with many styling and customization options. |
Displays a list of horizontally aligned, mutually exclusive options, which can be selected by the user. Each option is a button that can display text or an image. |
Represents a lightweight collection of items. Supports single and multiple selection, scrolling and virtualization, item styles and templates. |
Extends the RadRatingBase and provides additional API for working with shapes. |
Provides support for drawing and saving signatures. |
Represents a slider control that displays a value in a given min-max range. The end user can change the value by dragging the thumb. This control can display ticks and labels for clarity of what the underlying min-max range is, and can display tooltips for clarity of what the value is. |
Represents a slider control. |
Represents a control that displays items and/or views in a manner that only one item is presented at a time and this current item occupies the whole space of the RadSlideView as a slide. This control allows to easily navigate to next and previous items via panning. |
The RadTabView is a flexible navigation control that allows you to build tabbed interfaces. The individual tabs of the control are described as a collection of TabViewItems. Each TabViewItem has its own header and an associated content displayed on selection. |
Represents a Button with templated content. |
Allows picking a value from a selector with a custom template. |
Extends the RadRatingBase and provides API for working with ItemTemplates. |
Allows picking System.TimeSpan in the range of a day. It can be configured to visualize AM/PM spinner. |
Represents a button that can be toggled. |
The RadToolbar is a flexible control for implementation of tool and button strips, needed in most desktop and mobile applications. The individual items of the control are described as a collection of ToolbarItems. The rich collection of ToolbarItems allows to customize every tool or button on the RadToolbar independently according to the specific needs of the application. The control supports horizontal and vertical orientation, overflow menu, panning and scrolling, multi-level navigation and multi-line layout. |
Represents an options panel in the RadToolbar control. |
Represents a hierarchical collection of items. Supports expand and collapse, single and multiple selection, item styles and templates. |
A layout that position each child either horizontally or vertically and wraps them when there is no more space in the current orientation. |
Android Resource Designer class. Exposes the Android Resource designer assembly into the project Namespace. |
ScrollBackwardButtonToolbarItemView Visual representation of a button for scrolling backward in the RadToolbar control. |
ScrollForwardButtonToolbarItemView Visual representation of a button for scrolling forward in the RadToolbar control. |
Represents a selectable button in the RadToolbar control. |
SelectableButtonToolbarItemView Visual representation of a selectable button in the RadToolbar control. |
Represents a separator in the RadToolbar control. |
Visual representation of a separator in the RadToolbar control. |
Represents a slider in the RadToolbar control. |
Visual representation of a slider in the RadToolbar control. |
Represents a container view for an item in a RadSpinner. |
Represents a split button in the RadToolbar control. The split button works as an advanced drop-down menu button, which remembers the last selected command from the drop-down menu, and then executes it automatically on click, without the need to open the drop-down menu again. |
Visual representation of a split button in the RadToolbar control. The split button works as an advanced drop-down menu button, which remembers the last selected command from the drop-down menu, and then executes it automatically on click, without the need to open the drop-down menu again. |
SplitButtonToolbarItemViewIndicator Visual representation of the drop-down indicator in a SplitButtonToolbarItemView. |
Represents the content area of the RadTabView control. |
Base abstract class, representing a content in the RadTabView control. |
Represents the header area of the RadTabView control. |
Specifies the relative position of the header area in respect to the content area of the RadTabView control. |
Represents an individual tab in the RadTabView control. Each tab has a header and an associated content displayed on selection. |
Specifies the scoll orientation of the tabs in the RadTabView. |
Event arguments for TextChanging event. Provides old text, new text and handled property that indicates whether to cancel the text changes. |
Represents an Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IValueConverter that converts System.TimeOnly to System.TimeSpan and converts back System.TimeSpan to System.TimeOnly. |
Represents a toggle button in the RadToolbar control. |
Visual representation of a toggle button in the RadToolbar control. |
Specifies the visibility mode of a button in the RadToolbar control. |
Base abstract class, representing a content in the RadToolbar control. |
Specifies the layout mode of a drop-down list in the RadToolbar control. |
Represents a toolbar item in the RadToolbar control. |
Specifies the display options of a toolbar item in the RadToolbar control. This type supports a bitwise combination of its members to enable more than one option. |
Specifies the position of the image relative to the text in a toolbar item from the RadToolbar control. |
Specifies the placement options of a toolbar item in the RadToolbar control. This type supports a bitwise combination of its members to enable more than one option. |
Visual representation of a toolbar item in the RadToolbar control. |
Visual representation of an item in the ListPickerButtonToolbarItemViewContent. |
Specifies the orientation of the RadToolbar control. |
Specifies the overflow mode of the RadToolbar control. |
Represents the event arguments for a property change event. |
Specify which text representation of the RadLinearProgressBar's progress should be displayed. |
Serves as a base class for all view definitions. Contains common properties for all views. |
Represents a definition of a view that shows all seven week days as in day view mode. |
Provides a mechanism to select a Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style based on a custom logic. |