series.type String
(default: "column")
The type of the series.
The supported values are:
- area
- bar
- bubble
- bullet
- candlestick
- column
- donut
- funnel
- pyramid
- heatmap
- horizontalWaterfall
- line
- linearTrendline
- exponentialTrendline
- logarithmicTrendline
- powerTrendline
- polynomialTrendline
- movingAverageTrendline
- ohlc
- pie
- polarArea
- polarLine
- polarScatter
- radarArea
- radarColumn
- radarLine
- rangeArea
- rangeBar
- rangeColumn
- scatter
- scatterLine
- verticalArea
- verticalBoxPlot
- verticalBullet
- verticalLine
- verticalRangeArea
- waterfall
Example - set the chart series type
<div id="chart"></div>
series: [{
type: "line",
data: [1, 2, 3]