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The TaskBoardColumnDragDropBehavior provides drag-drop capabilities for the standard RadTaskBoard control. It automatically recognizes its host control item type and automatically adds the dragged items that are of this type.

The drag-drop behavior is available since R1 2020 SP1.

In some cases, the TaskBoardColumnDragDropBehavior will be unable to recognize its host's item type correctly. The ItemType property is provided for such cases.

Example 1: Specified the typed of the dragged item

    <telerik:RadTaskBoard x:Name="taskBoard" xmlns:dragBehavior="clr-namespace:Telerik.Windows.Controls.TaskBoard;assembly=Telerik.Windows.Controls"> 
            <dragBehavior:TaskBoardColumnDragDropBehavior ItemType="{x:Type local:CustomTask}"/> 
The most important methods of TaskBoardColumnDragDropBehavior are:
  • CanStartDrag: This method is called in the context of the drag source control, just before the drag operation is started. If you return false the drag operation will not start.

  • CanDrop: This method is called in the context of the drop target control on each mouse move event and before the call to the Drop method. If you return false the drop will not be allowed and the mouse cursor will change accordingly.

  • Drop: This method is called in the context of the drop target control when the mouse button is released, but only if the previous CanDrop call returned true. It is useful when you want to perform additional actions when the drop operation is complete.

  • DragDropCompleted: This method is called in the context of the drag source control when the mouse button is released, but only when the previous CanDrop call returned true. It is useful when you want to perform additional actions when the drag is complete. In case the drag source and the drop target are the same control, this method is called after the call to Drop.

  • DragDropCanceled: This method is called in the context of the drag source control when the mouse button is released, but only when the previous CanDrop call returned false.


The context for each of the TaskBoardColumnDragDropBehavior CanDrop, Drop, DragDropCanceled, DragDropCompleted, GetDragDropEffects, IsMovingItems methods is provided in the form of a TaskBoardColumnDragDropState object. It contains references to the target column, source control's ItemsSource, destination control's ItemsSource and the dragged items.

In a scenario, when the default TaskBoardColumnDragDropBehavior behavior needs to be customized, you need to cast the DragDropState state parameter to a TaskBoardColumnDragDropState object so you can get access to the TargetColumn.

Example 2: Disable Reordering of the Items

    public class CustomDragDropBehavior : TaskBoardColumnDragDropBehavior 
        public override bool CanDrop(DragDropState state) 
            var taskBoardColumnDragDropState = state as TaskBoardColumnDragDropState; 
            if (taskBoardColumnDragDropState.TargetColumn.Header.ToString() == "Done") 
                return false; 
            return base.CanDrop(state); 

Cancel the Drag Operation

To cancel the dragging of specific items you can modify the TaskBoardColumnDragDropBehavior functionality. You can create a custom class that derives from the TaskBoardColumnDragDropBehavior class and override the CanStartDrag() method. It is important to note that in this method the state parameter is not TaskBoardColumnDragDropState.

To get the dragged items you can use the DraggedItems collection property. Then depending on your condition, you can return false if this item is not allowed to be moved anymore. Example 2 demonstrates how we can forbid the user from dragging items from a particular column.

Example 3: Disable dragging from a TaskBoardColumn

    public class CustomDragDropBehavior : TaskBoardColumnDragDropBehavior 
        public override bool CanStartDrag(DragDropState state) 
            var draggedItem = state.DraggedItems.Cast<TaskBoardCardModel>().ToList()[0]; 
            if (draggedItem.State == "Done") 
                return false; 
            return base.CanStartDrag(state); 

See Also

In this article