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Reordering the Items

You can move one item to a different group by using the built-in drag-drop functionality. The reordering of the items is enabled by default. To disable it you can set the IsDragDropEnabled property of the RadTaskBoard to false.

Example 1: Disable Reordering of the Items

   <telerik:RadTaskBoard x:Name="taskBoard" GroupMemberPath="State" IsDragDropEnabled="False" /> 

Drag Visual Providers

The DragVisualProvider enriches the drag-drop functionality of RadTaskBoard control by providing a different visual DragCue to the dragged item. The DragVisualProvider can be set to:

Example 2: Set DragVisualProvider

   <telerik:RadTaskBoard x:Name="taskBoard" GroupMemberPath="State" ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"> 
            <telerik:ScreenshotDragVisualProvider /> 
  • ScreenshotDragVisualProvider: Provides the exact visual representation of the dragged item. This provider is set by default to the DragVisualProvider property.

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  • EmptyDragVisualProvider: This provider doesn't provide any visual representation of the dragged item.

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  • DefaultDragVisualProvider: Provides the string representation of the dragged item.

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See Also

In this article