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Binding to CollectionViewSource

RadTaskBoard accepts CollectionViewSource as data source and it will evaluate its GroupDescriptions and generate corresponding columns based on that.

The following tutorial will guide you how to bind a RadTaskBoard to a CollectionViewSource of TaskBoardCardModel.

First, we will initialize a CollectionViewSource, which is going to be used to populate the RadTaskBoard control. Next, we can create our data and set PropertyGroupDescription to the State property. This property will be used to group the CollectionViewSource.

Example 1: Creating ViewModel

public  class MainViewModel 
    public CollectionViewSource CollectionView { get; set; } 
    public MainViewModel() 
        CollectionView = new CollectionViewSource() { Source = GetTasks()}; 
        CollectionView.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription("State")); 
    public ObservableCollection<TaskBoardCardModel> GetTasks() 
        ObservableCollection<TaskBoardCardModel> tasks = new ObservableCollection<TaskBoardCardModel>(); 
        TaskBoardCardModel task = new TaskBoardCardModel() 
            Assignee = "Bella", 
            Title = "RadDocking: Unit Test", 
            Description = "Add Unit Tests", 
            State = "Not Done", 
            CategoryName = "Low", 
            IconPath= @"/Project_NameSpace;component/Images/Bella.jpg", 
            ShowIndicatorColor= true, 
        task = new TaskBoardCardModel() 
            Assignee = "Tomas", 
            Title = "RadPanelBar: IsExpanded property is not respected", 
            Description = "Fix Bug", 
            State = "In Progress", 
            CategoryName = "Medium", 
            IconPath= @"/Project_NameSpace;component/Images/Tomas.jpg", 
            ShowIndicatorColor= false, 
        task = new TaskBoardCardModel() 
            Assignee = "Peter", 
            Title = "RadChartView: Implement Animation Feature", 
            Description = "Implement animmations for all series in RadChartView.", 
            State = "Done", 
            CategoryName = "High" 
            IconPath= @"/Project_NameSpace;component/Images/Peter.jpg", 
            ShowIndicatorColor= true, 
        return tasks; 
What's left is to set the DataContext of the Window and declare RadTaskBoard control in XAML.

You don't need to set the GroupMemberPath property of the RadTaskBoard when the control's ItemsSource is bound to a CollectionViewSource collection. The first PropertyGroupDescription will be used by the RadTaskBoard to group the items.

Example 3: Set the ViewModel as DataContext

public MainWindow() 
    this.DataContext = new MainViewModel(); 

The CategoryCollection and CategoryModel class can be accessed in XAML through the following namespace:

Example 3: Defining RadTaskBoard in XAML

<telerik:RadTaskBoard x:Name="taskBoard" ItemsSource="{Binding CollectionView.View}" >    
            <taskBoard:CategoryModel CategoryName="Low" CategoryBrush="Green"/> 
            <taskBoard:CategoryModel CategoryName="Medium" CategoryBrush="Yellow"/> 
            <taskBoard:CategoryModel CategoryName="High" CategoryBrush="Red"/> 

See Also

In this article