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This section defines terms and concepts used in the scope of the RadAIPrompt control, with which you have to get familiar before you continue to read its documentation. They can also be helpful when contacting our support service in order to describe your issue better.

WPF RadAIPrompt Visual Structure WPF RadAIPrompt Visual Structure

  • Input view—This navigates to the RadAIPromptInputItem instance defined in the Items collection of RadAIPrompt. This view displays an input textbox and the custom suggestions.
  • Output view—This navigates to the RadAIPromptOutputItem instance defined in the Items collection of RadAIPrompt. This view displays the generated response, which can be interacted with.
  • Commands view—This navigates to the RadAIPromptCommandsItem instance defined in the Items collection of RadAIPrompt. Here, a RadPanelBar element displays the commands defined in the Commands collection of the component.
  • Suggestions—The defined suggestions from the Suggestions collection of RadAIPrompt.
  • Prompt request button—This button prompts the RadAIPrompt to request a response.
  • Copy button—This button copies the response.
  • Retry button—This button requests another response from your AI model using the same input text.
  • Rating buttons—These buttons rate the response returned from your AI model.

Get started with the control with its Getting Started help article that shows how to use it in a basic scenario.

See Also

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