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AIPrompt Button

The AIPrompt component can also be displayed as a button that will show a RadAIPrompt when interacted with it. To display the component as a button, create a new RadAIPromptButton instance.

The RadAIPromptButton provides the following properties:

  • AIPrompt—Allows you to set an RadAIPrompt instance that will be displayed when the RadAIPromptButton is open.
  • PopupWidth—Provides the ability to specify the width of the popup of RadAIPromptButton.
  • PopupHeight—Provides the ability to specify the height of the popup of RadAIPromptButton.
  • IsPopupOpen—Allows you to open/close the popup holding the RadAIPrompt.

Creating a RadAIPromptButton

<telerik:RadAIPromptButton x:Name="aiPromptButton"> 
        <telerik:RadAIPrompt x:Name="aiPrompt"  
                             Commands="{Binding MyCommands}" 
                             Suggestions="{Binding MySuggestions}"> 
            <telerik:RadAIPromptInputItem /> 
            <telerik:RadAIPromptOutputItem /> 
            <telerik:RadAIPromptCommandsItem /> 

WPF RadAIPromptButton

See Also

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