AutoSize |
Gets or sets whether the edit control is auto-sized |
RowGroupsExpandBehavior |
Gets or sets the behavior that will set the expand or collapse state for rows. |
ColumnGroupsExpandBehavior |
Gets or sets the behavior that will set the expand or collapse state for columns. |
AllowGroupFiltering |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Group Filtering is enabled. |
AllowSelection |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user is able to select cells. |
AllowDefaultScreenTips |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the built-in screen tips are enabled. |
AllowContextMenu |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the built-in context menu is enabled. |
AllowSorting |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user is able to sort the group labels. |
AllowHorizontalResize |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user is able to resize columns. |
AllowVerticalResize |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user is able to resize rows. |
AutoExpandRowHeaders |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the newly created row groups should be initially expanded. |
AutoExpandColumnHeaders |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the created column groups should be initially expanded. |
ColumnWidth |
Gets or sets the default column width for all columns. |
RowHeight |
Gets or sets the default row height for all rows. |
ColumnHeaderHeight |
Gets or sets the height of the column headers area. |
FilterAreaHeight |
Gets or sets the height of the report filters area. |
PrintStyle |
Gets or sets the that is responsible for printing the pivot grid. |
EmptyValueString |
Gets or sets the string that will appears on cells that do not have a value. |
ErrorString |
Gets or sets the string that will appear on cells for which an error has occurred during calculation. |
ColumnGrandTotalsPosition |
Gets or sets the position of the GrandTotal column in the Columns axis. |
RowGrandTotalsPosition |
Gets or sets the position of the GrandTotal row in the Rows axis. |
RowsSubTotalsPosition |
Gets or sets the position of the SubTotal rows in the Rows axis. |
ColumnsSubTotalsPosition |
Gets or sets the position of the SubTotal columns in the Columns axis. |
AggregatesPosition |
Gets or sets the axis of the Aggregates groups when more than one aggregate is used. |
AggregatesLevel |
Gets or sets the depth of the Aggregates groups among the other groups when more than one aggregate is used. |
RowHeadersLayout |
Gets or sets the layout type of the row headers. |
ColumnHeadersLayout |
Gets or sets the layout type of the column headers. |
ShowFilterArea |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Report Filters area should be displayed. |
AllowFieldsDragDrop |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the fields can be reorganized via drag and drop. |
RowGroupDescriptions |
A collection of which is used for generating row groups. |
ColumnGroupDescriptions |
A collection of which is used for generating column groups. |
AggregateDescriptions |
A collection of which describes how the values in the cells are calculated (aggregated). |
FilterDescriptions |
A collection of which defines the fields that are available in the Report Filters area. |
DataMember |
Gets or sets the name of the list or table in the data source for which RadPivotGrid is displaying aggregated data. |
DataSource |
Gets or sets the data source for which RadPivotGrid is displaying aggregated data. |
DataProvider |
Gets or sets the that populates the pivot grid with data. |
BackColor |
RadPivotGrid consists of multiple visual elements and separate settings are provided to customize their appearance. Current BackColor property might be ignored. |
ForeColor |
RadPivotGrid consists of multiple visual elements and separate settings are provided to customize their appearance. Current ForeColor property might be ignored. |
XmlSerializationInfo |
Gets the serialization info for RadPivotGrid used by Save/Load layout methods to persist grid settings to/from XML. By default or when set to null the ComponentXmlSerializationInfo provided by GetDefaultXmlSerializationInfo() will be used. |
TableLayoutState |
Gets or sets an object which holds the state of the resized and the collapsed rows and columns. Setting the object will apply the state and will update the layout. |
LayoutState |
Gets or sets an object which holds the state of the resized and the collapsed rows and columns. Setting the object will apply the state and will update the layout. |