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Property Description
AutoSize Gets or sets whether the edit control is auto-sized
RowGroupsExpandBehavior Gets or sets the behavior that will set the expand or collapse state for rows.
ColumnGroupsExpandBehavior Gets or sets the behavior that will set the expand or collapse state for columns.
AllowGroupFiltering Gets or sets a value indicating whether Group Filtering is enabled.
AllowSelection Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user is able to select cells.
AllowDefaultScreenTips Gets or sets a value indicating whether the built-in screen tips are enabled.
AllowContextMenu Gets or sets a value indicating whether the built-in context menu is enabled.
AllowSorting Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user is able to sort the group labels.
AllowHorizontalResize Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user is able to resize columns.
AllowVerticalResize Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user is able to resize rows.
AutoExpandRowHeaders Gets or sets a value indicating whether the newly created row groups should be initially expanded.
AutoExpandColumnHeaders Gets or sets a value indicating whether the created column groups should be initially expanded.
ColumnWidth Gets or sets the default column width for all columns.
RowHeight Gets or sets the default row height for all rows.
ColumnHeaderHeight Gets or sets the height of the column headers area.
FilterAreaHeight Gets or sets the height of the report filters area.
PrintStyle Gets or sets the that is responsible for printing the pivot grid.
EmptyValueString Gets or sets the string that will appears on cells that do not have a value.
ErrorString Gets or sets the string that will appear on cells for which an error has occurred during calculation.
ColumnGrandTotalsPosition Gets or sets the position of the GrandTotal column in the Columns axis.
RowGrandTotalsPosition Gets or sets the position of the GrandTotal row in the Rows axis.
RowsSubTotalsPosition Gets or sets the position of the SubTotal rows in the Rows axis.
ColumnsSubTotalsPosition Gets or sets the position of the SubTotal columns in the Columns axis.
AggregatesPosition Gets or sets the axis of the Aggregates groups when more than one aggregate is used.
AggregatesLevel Gets or sets the depth of the Aggregates groups among the other groups when more than one aggregate is used.
RowHeadersLayout Gets or sets the layout type of the row headers.
ColumnHeadersLayout Gets or sets the layout type of the column headers.
ShowFilterArea Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Report Filters area should be displayed.
AllowFieldsDragDrop Gets or sets a value indicating whether the fields can be reorganized via drag and drop.
RowGroupDescriptions A collection of which is used for generating row groups.
ColumnGroupDescriptions A collection of which is used for generating column groups.
AggregateDescriptions A collection of which describes how the values in the cells are calculated (aggregated).
FilterDescriptions A collection of which defines the fields that are available in the Report Filters area.
DataMember Gets or sets the name of the list or table in the data source for which RadPivotGrid is displaying aggregated data.
DataSource Gets or sets the data source for which RadPivotGrid is displaying aggregated data.
DataProvider Gets or sets the that populates the pivot grid with data.
BackColor RadPivotGrid consists of multiple visual elements and separate settings are provided to customize their appearance. Current BackColor property might be ignored.
ForeColor RadPivotGrid consists of multiple visual elements and separate settings are provided to customize their appearance. Current ForeColor property might be ignored.
XmlSerializationInfo Gets the serialization info for RadPivotGrid used by Save/Load layout methods to persist grid settings to/from XML. By default or when set to null the ComponentXmlSerializationInfo provided by GetDefaultXmlSerializationInfo() will be used.
TableLayoutState Gets or sets an object which holds the state of the resized and the collapsed rows and columns. Setting the object will apply the state and will update the layout.
LayoutState Gets or sets an object which holds the state of the resized and the collapsed rows and columns. Setting the object will apply the state and will update the layout.


Method Description
ReloadData Recalculated the displayed information and refreshes the view.
ShowFieldList Shows the which allows you to pick fields that are not currently available in RadPivotGrid.
BeginUpdate Puts RadPivotGrid in update mode and suspends refreshing the view.
EndUpdate Ends the update mode and refreshes the view.
Print Directly prints the to the default printer.
PrintPreview Shows a for editing the print settings.
GetDefaultXmlSerializationInfo Gets the default serialization info for RadPivotGrid used by Save/Load loyout methods to persist grid settings to/from XML.
SaveLayout Stores RadPivotGrid properties, sub-objects and their properties in XML format, using the serialization information provided by the property
LoadLayout Loads RadPivotGrid properties, sub-objects and their properties from XML file, using the serialization information provided by the property


Event Description
FilterDescriptorElementCreating Fires when a filter descriptor element is being created. Allows for replacing it with a custom element.
AggregateDescriptorElementCreating Fires when an aggregate descriptor element is being created. Allows for replacing it with a custom element.
AggregatesPositionElementCreating Fires when the aggregate position element is being created. Allows for replacing it with a custom element.
GroupDescriptorElementCreating Fires when a group descriptor element is being created. Allows for replacing it with a custom element.
CellFormatting Fires when a cell element is updated. Allows for customizing the appearance of the cells.
RowFormatting Fires when a row element is updated.
CellCreating Fires when a cell element is being created. Allows for replacing the default elements with custom ones.
RowCreating Fires when a row element is being created. Allows for replacing the default elements with custom ones.
GroupElementCreating Fires when a group element is being created. Allows for replacing the default group elements.
GroupElementFormatting Fires when a group element is updated. Allows for customizing its appearance.
GroupExpandedChanged Fires when a group is expanded or collapsed.
SelectionChanged Fires when the selection in RadPivotGrid has changed.
PrintElementFormatting Fires when a print element is being prepared for painting.
PrintElementPaint Fires when the print element has been painted. Allows for adding custom painting.
UpdateCompleted Fires when the data provider has finished building the data and the UI was updated.
DataProviderChanged Fires when the DataProvider property has changed.
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