RadChartView provides a tooltip interactivity with the ChartTooltipController class and can be used to visualize arbitrary information related to a data point. If the user hovers directly over a data point, the tooltip will display information for this particular data point, otherwise it will display information for the closest data point to the hold location.In order to utilize this behavior users simply have to add it to the chart's Controllers collection. For example:
Add Controller
The ChartTooltipController will be added automatically if the ShowToolTip property of RadChartView control is set to true:
Set Property
A sample is shown below:
Sample Setup
Figure 1: ToolTip
The ChartTooltipController also exposes a tooltip event. The event handler is a suitable place for changing the precalculated text.
Subscribe to Event
Change ToolTip`s Text
Figure 2: Modified ToolTip