Populating with Data
Data Binding
RadChartView can be bound to a wide variety of data-sources. The data-source must implement the IEnumerable interface in general. You can further customize the binding of RadChartView using ITypedList/ICustomTypeDescriptor/INotifyPropertyChange interfaces together with your business objects.
RadChartView follows the standard Windows Forms data-binding model. It can data bind to any data-source implementing one of the following interfaces:
IList interface for one-dimensional arrays.
IListSource interface (like DataTable and DataSet classes).
IBindingList interface. For example the generic BindingList class.
IBindingListView interface. For example BindingSource class.
The actual binding is performed on the desired ChartSeries descendant. Here is a list of the series types together with the properties needed for successful binding:
BarSeries: DataSource and ValueMember are the necessary properties. CategoryMember is optional - if it is not set, the categories will be automatically numerated.
AreaSeries: DataSource and ValueMember. CategoryMember is optional - if it is not set, the categories will be automatically numerated.
LineSeries: DataSource and ValueMember. CategoryMember is optional - if it is not set, the categories will be automatically numerated.
ScatterSeries: DataSource, XValueMember and YValueMember.
RadarSeries: DataSource and ValueMember. CategoryMember is optional - if it is not set, the categories will be automatically numerated.
PieSeries: DataSource and ValueMember.
PolarSeries: DataSource, AngleMember and ValueMember.
Unbound mode
RadChartView can also be setup in unbound mode. This can be performed in the designer as well as at run-time by accessing the DataPoints collection of each of the series. The articles dedicated to each of the series types includes a basic example for setting up the control in unbound mode: Series Overview