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Property Group Descriptor for .NET MAUI DataGrid

The PropertyGroupDescriptor is used to group the data in a .NET MAUI DataGrid by property from the class that defines your objects.

To use the PropertyGroupDescriptor, you have to set its PropertyName (string) property, which gets or sets the name of the property that is used to retrieve the key by which to group.

You can sort the groups in ascending or descending order by using the SortOrder property.

Let's, for example, have the following business object:

Add a sample ViewModel class with a collection of Person objects:

Define the DataGrid:

All that is left is to set is the ViewModel as BindingContext of the page:

this.BindingContext = new ViewModel();

Apply the PropertyGroupDescriptor:

this.dataGrid.GroupDescriptors.Add(new Telerik.Maui.Controls.Data.PropertyGroupDescriptor()

Here is how the DataGrid looks when it's grouped:

DataGrid Property GroupDescriptor

See Also

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