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.NET MAUI Button Content Configuration

The Button control provides configuration options that let you align its content, add images, and adjust the fonts.

Setting an Image

Use the following properties to add images to the button:

  • BackgroundImage (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImageSource)—Defines an image as a background of the button.
  • ImageSource (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImageSource)—Defines an image as a part of the button's content.

Use the ContentLayout (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ButtonContentLayout) property to control the position of the image and the spacing between the button's image and text.

The following XAML shows how to apply an image as a background of the button by using the BackgroundImage property.

<telerik:RadButton BorderThickness="1"
                   Padding="{OnPlatform Default=4, iOS=0, MacCatalyst=0}"
        <FontImageSource Glyph="&#xe876;"
                         Size="{OnPlatform Default=16, iOS=20, MacCatalyst=20}"
                         FontFamily="TelerikFontExamples" />

The following XAML shows how to apply an image as part of the button content by using the ImageSource property.

<telerik:RadButton Text="Submit"
                   ContentLayout="Right, 5">
        <FontImageSource Glyph="&#xe876;"
                         FontFamily="TelerikFontExamples" />

This is the end result:

.NET MAUI Button Content Alignment

For a runnable example with the Button Images scenario, see the SDKBrowser Demo Application and go to Button > Features.

Content Alignment

Use the following properties to align the content in the button when text and image are set.

  • HorizontalContentAlignment (Microsoft.Maui.TextAlignment)—Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text and image.
  • VerticalContentAlignment (Microsoft.Maui.TextAlignment)—Specifies the vertical alignment of the text and image.

The following example demonstrates how to apply the HorizontalContentAlignment and the VerticalContentAlignment.

1. Define the Button in XAML:

<telerik:RadButton Text="Telerik Button"
                   x:Name="button" />

2. Add the telerik namespace:


The following image shows the end result.

.NET MAUI Button Content Alignment

For a runnable example with the Button Content Alignment scenario, see the SDKBrowser Demo Application and go to Button > Features.

Font Options

The following properties specify the font options that apply to the content when Content is string and ContentTemplate is not set:

  • FontFamily (string)—Specifies the font family of the Button.Text.
  • FontSize (double)—Specifies the font size of the Button.Text in pixels.
  • FontAttributes (Microsoft.Maui.Controls.FontAttributes)—Specifies the font attributes of the Button.Text.

See Also

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