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Using the Report Wizard to Create a Band Report

In this article we will discuss how to create a band layout report with the Band Report Wizard.

To create a new report with this wizard:

  • Standalone Report Designer:

    • Select File | New | from the Telerik Report Designer File menu; Click on the Band Report Wizard template. Create file dialog opens; Choose a file name and directory. Click Save and the Band Report Wizard opens.
  • Visual Studio:

    • Create a new class library or use an existing one. Verify that the targeted.NET framework version is.NET4(+), Full profile as Client profile is not supported.
    • Right-click the project context menu and select Add | New Item | Telerik Report. Enter a name for the report class and click the Add button to close the dialog. Select report wizard form opens.
    • Select the Band Report Wizard option from the list and click OK.
  • On the Choose Data Source page of the Report Wizard, select Add New Data Source.

  • The DataSource Wizard is started. Select the SqlDataSource Component icon and click the OK button.
  • On the Choose Your Data Connection page select a connection for the AdventureWorks database from the drop down list. If there is no existing connection, choose a data provider and click Browse to create a new connection. When done click the Next button.
  • The Save the Connection String step appears, where you can save the connection string in the application configuration file if you want with the name you want. Click Next.
  • The Configure Data Source Command step will display next.

    • Click the Query Builder button.

      The Query Builder is part of Visual Studio and is available only in the Visual Studio Report Designer. As of Telerik Reporting Q3 2014 SQL queries can be built in the Standalone Designer with the Query Designer in the Standalone Designer. If you are using the Standalone Report Designer use the following select query and click Next:

      SELECT Production.Product.Name, Production.Product.ProductNumber, Production.Product.ReorderPoint,
          Production.ProductPhoto.ThumbNailPhoto, Production.ProductInventory.Quantity
          FROM Production.Product
          INNER JOIN Production.ProductInventory ON Production.Product.ProductID = Production.ProductInventory.ProductID
          INNER JOIN Production.ProductProductPhoto ON Production.Product.ProductID = Production.ProductProductPhoto.ProductID
          INNER JOIN Production.ProductPhoto ON Production.ProductProductPhoto.ProductPhotoID = Production.ProductPhoto.ProductPhotoID
    • In the Add Table dialog select "Product", "ProductInventory", "ProductPhoto" and "ProductProductPhoto" from the list of tables. Note: You can hold down the control key and click each of the tables to select them all at one time.
    • Click the Add button to close the dialog.
    • On the Query Builder select the fields shown in the figure below. In the Product table select "Name", "ProductNumber" and "ReorderPoint". In ProductPhoto select the "ThumbNailPhoto" column. In the ProductInventory table select the "Quantity" column.
    • Click the OK button to close the dialog.
    • The Configure Data Source Command step would show the generated statement. Clicking the Next button would lead you to the Preview Data Source Results step, where you can preview the data. Click finish to return to the Choose Data Source page of the Report Wizard. On the next page choose Standard Report Type and click the Next button.

    The SqlDataSource Wizard article provides additional steps how to use parameterized SQL query.

  • The Design Data Layout page of the Report Wizard allows you to assign database fields to sections of the report. The Report Wizard automatically places and formats the database fields in the appropriate report sections.

    • Select from the Available Fields list on the left side of the page.
    • Select "Name", "ProductNumber", "ReorderPoint" and "Quantity".
    • After selecting each field, click the Detail button to add those columns to the detail listing of the report.
    • Click the Next button.
  • On the Choose Report Layout page of the Report Wizard unselect the Adjust report items to fit available space checkbox. Click the Next button.

  • On the Choose Report Style page of the Report Wizard select "Civic" from the Style Sheets list on the left side of the page. Notice the style changes in the Preview portion on the right side of the page. The initial report layout appears in the design view. 

    Notice that the wizard has automatically provided:

    • Data bound fields in the detail section of the report.

    • Styled page and column titles.

    • A page footer with standard date and page number output.

  • Click the Preview of the designer to view your report.

From here you can continue with the following quickstart tutorials:

In this article