Badge Styling
Use the following properties to style the look of the badge:
- BadgeText(string): Defines the badge text.
- BadgeTextColor(Xamarin.Forms.Color): Defines the badge text color.
- BadgeTextMargin(Xamarin.Forms.Thickness): Defines the mergin of the badge text.
- BadgeFontSize(double): Defines the font size of the badge text.
- BadgeFontFamily(string): Defines the badge text font family.
- BadgeFontAttributes(FontAttributes): Defines the badge text font attributes.
- BadgeBackgroundColor(Xamarin.Forms.Color): Defines the background color of the badge.
- BadgeBorderColor(Xamarin.Forms.Color): Defines the badge border color.
- BadgeBorderThickness(Xamarin.Forms.Thickness): Defines the thickness of the badge border.
- BadgeCornerRadius(Xamarin.Forms.Thickness): Defines the corner radius of the badge border.
- BadgeMinimumWidth(double): Defines the minimum width of tha badge.
- BadgeMinimumHeight(double): Defines the minimum height of the badge.
for predefined types for the badge. If you set theBadgeText
it will override the predefined icon for the badge type.
The BadgeView definition with some of the above properties set.
Use the following namespace:
The final Result::
Badge Styling Example can be found inside the FeaturesCategory folder in SDK Browser Application/Examples/BadgeViewControl.