New to Telerik UI for WinUI? Download free 30-day trial

Available WinUI Product Files

Telerik UI for WinUI provides a set of product files for its trial and commercial users to download.

The available product files include the following items:

  • A standalone Telerik UI for WinUI installation
  • Telerik UI for WinUI documentation files
  • Previous Telerik UI for WinUI versions
  • Document processing NuGet packages

Downloading the Product Files

To download any of the product files:

  1. Log into your Telerik account.

  2. Navigate to the Telerik UI for WinUI Downloads page and select the desired files.

    Telerik WinUI Download Page

    WinUI Winui Product page

List of Options and Product Files

  • [license] is replaced with either Dev or Trial, depending on the license you have Trial or Commercial.

  • [version] is replaced with the version the file corresponds to.

File Name Description Required License
Telerik_UI_for_WinUI_[version]_[license].msi The MSI file for installing the Telerik UI for WinUI suite. For more information, refer to the guide on first steps with the MSI file installation. Commercial or Trial
Telerik_UI_for_WinUI_[version]_[license] The ZIP file for the advanced installation of the Telerik UI for WinUI suite. For more information, refer to the guide on first steps with the ZIP file installation. Commercial or Trial
Telerik.WinUI.Controls.[version].[license].nupkg The package for installing the Telerik UI for WinUI suite from the Telerik NuGet feed. For more information, refer to the guide on first steps with NuGet. Commercial or Trial
Telerik.UI.for.WinUI.[version].pdf and Telerik.Document.Processing.[version].pdf The files contain the offline documentation for Telerik UI for WinUI and DocumentProcessing products. Commercial or Trial
Telerik_UI_for_WinUI_[version] The file contains the source code of the WinUI sample demo application. Commercial or Trial The file contains the source code of the Telerik UI for WinUI product. Commercial only
Document Processing NuGet package files Contain the NuGet package files (.nupkg) for the DocumentProcessing products. Commercial or Trial
  • Versions dropdown—It is displayed on the product download page and provides options for selecting a previous version to download.

    If the desired version is not displayed, contact the Progress sales team and they will enable the download of the version you need.