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First Steps with Telerik UI for WinUI by Installing with ZIP File

The Telerik UI for WinUI library provides an option for installing its controls by downloading and executing the ZIP file, which contains the Telerik UI for WinUI DLLs and some additional files.

This tutorial describes how to get up and running with Telerik UI for WinUI by downloading and installing the controls from a ZIP file.

  • First, you will set up your WinUI project and create the WinUI application.
  • Next, you'll install the Telerik UI for WinUI library from a ZIP file, declare the namespace, and define the DataGrid control.
  • Then, you will show some sample data in the DataGrid.
  • Finally, you will add styles to the DataGrid and populate it with data.

Step 1: Set Up Your WinUI Project

  1. Install Windows 10, version 1809 (build 17763) or later.

  2. Install Visual Studio 2019, version 16.9 or later.

    Currently, Visual Studio 2019, version 16.9, supports part of the WinUI 3 features. To access all WinUI 3 tooling features, install Visual Studio, version 16.10 Preview.

    Include the following workloads and components:

  3. Create a Telerik account.

For the complete instructions and additional information on setting up your development environment, check out the following Microsoft help articles:

Step 2: Create the WinUI Application

  1. Open Visual Studio.

  2. Select Create a new project.

  3. Search for "winui" and select Blank app, Packaged (WinUI in Desktop).

    ZIP Installation: Create New WinUI Application

    WinUI Create WinUI application

  4. Click Next. Configure the project and create it.

Currently, to create a WinUI project in UWP, you need to use the WinUI Preview 4 version.

Step 3: Install the Controls from the ZIP File

Now, you need to add the Telerik controls to the WinUI project that you created.

  1. Log into your Telerik account and navigate to the WinUI Downloads page.

  2. Download the Telerik\_UI\_for\_WinUI\_{version}\_{license}\ file and extract it in the desired location.

  3. Reference the Telerik.WinUI.Controls dll in the WinUI project.

Step 4: Merge Telerik WinUI Controls Resources in Application Resources

In order for any UI for WinUI control to receive styles, you need to merge the Generic.xaml ResourceDictionary in App.xaml as demonstrated in the following example.

            <XamlControlsResources xmlns="using:Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls" /> 
            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///Telerik.WinUI.Controls/Themes/Generic.xaml"/> 
            <!-- Other merged dictionaries here --> 
        <!-- Other app resources here --> 

Step 5: Declare the Namespace and Define the DataGrid

Let's add the Telerik UI for WinUI DataGrid control—declare its namespace and then define the control.

  1. In MainPage.xaml, add the following line to declare the namespace:

  2. Add the following code to define the DataGrid:

        <telerikGrid:RadDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid" /> 
    As a result, MainPage.xaml will look as demonstrated in the following example.

<Page x:Class="GettingStarted.MainPage" 
        Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}"> 
        <telerikGrid:RadDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid" /> 

If you have chosen WinUI3 Desktop project type, this will be Window object instead of a Page object.

If you run the application at this point, you will see an empty grid with no columns and rows. Now you'll learn how to display some data.

Step 6: Render the Sample Data

Since the DataGrid is a data-bound control, you have to create a data model and set the ItemsSource of the control to a collection of those models.

To define the Model and the ViewModel:

  1. In MainPage.xaml.cs, add references to the Telerik.Core and System.Collections.ObjectModel namespaces:

        using Telerik.Core; 
        using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
  2. Add the code from the following example. It demonstrates a sample implementation of a model and ViewModel. The ViewModelBase class from the example is located in the Telerik.Core namespace and provides an implementation of the the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.

        public class Club : ViewModelBase 
            private string name; 
            private DateTime established; 
            private int stadiumCapacity; 
            public Club(string name, DateTime established, int stadiumCapacity) 
       = name; 
                this.established = established; 
                this.stadiumCapacity = stadiumCapacity; 
            public string Name 
                get { return; } 
                    if (value != 
               = value; 
            public DateTime Established 
                get { return this.established; } 
                    if (value != this.established) 
                        this.established = value; 
            public int StadiumCapacity 
                get { return this.stadiumCapacity; } 
                    if (value != this.stadiumCapacity) 
                        this.stadiumCapacity = value; 
        public class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase 
            private ObservableCollection<Club> clubs; 
            public ObservableCollection<Club> Clubs 
                    if (this.clubs == null) 
                        this.clubs = this.CreateClubs(); 
                    return this.clubs; 
            private ObservableCollection<Club> CreateClubs() 
                ObservableCollection<Club> clubs = new ObservableCollection<Club>(); 
                Club club; 
                club = new Club("Liverpool", new DateTime(1892, 1, 1), 45362); 
                club = new Club("Manchester Utd.", new DateTime(1878, 1, 1), 76212); 
                club = new Club("Chelsea", new DateTime(1905, 1, 1), 42055); 
                return clubs; 

Step 7: Populate the DataGrid with Data

Each row in the DataGrid represents an object in the data source and each column shows the value for one property of the bound object.

The following example demonstrates how to display the sample data from Step 5 by setting the DataContext of the Window and the ItemsSource of the RadDataGrid.

<Page x:Class="GettingStarted.MainPage" 
        Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}"> 
        <local:MyViewModel /> 
        <telerikGrid:RadDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid" ItemsSource="{Binding Clubs}"/> 

If you chose a non-UWP option, the project creates a MainWindow.xaml instead of MainPage.xaml file. However, the Window object doesn't have a DataContext property. To handle this, use a Grid for the root element of the MainWindow and set the DataContext on the Grid instead.

Now, let's build and run the application.

Telerik UI for WinUI DataGrid Displaying Data

WinUI RadDataGrid populated with data

That was it! Now you are ready to dive more deeply into Telerik UI for Win UI and take full advantage of its slick functionalities!

Next Steps

See Also

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