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Special Slots

RadTimeBar provides an easy way to mark certain intervals along the visible range of the control as special slots. This is done through a custom class, which implements the ITimeRangeGenerator interface. This interface defines the GetRanges method. Given the current visible period, this method returns IEnumerable<IPeriodSpan> - an array of PeriodSpan instances, each of which defines a special slot with a start and end date.

Below you can find a sample weekends generator implementation:

Implementing the ITimeRangeGenerator in a new class

public class WeekendsGenerator : ITimeRangeGenerator 
    public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<IPeriodSpan> GetRanges(SelectionRange<DateTime> visibleRange) 
        TimeSpan slotSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(2); 
        var differenceFirstVisible = DayOfWeek.Saturday - visibleRange.Start.DayOfWeek; 
        DateTime day = new DateTime(visibleRange.Start.Year, visibleRange.Start.Month, visibleRange.Start.Day); 
        for (DateTime current = day.AddDays(differenceFirstVisible); current < visibleRange.End; current += TimeSpan.FromDays(7)) 
            yield return new PeriodSpan(current, slotSpan); 
Using the SpecialSlotsGenerator property of the RadTimeBar control you can specify a custom ITimeRangeGenerator instance that defines certain time intervals as special.

The following example shows how to set the custom WeekendsGenerator from the above code snippet to the RadTimeBar control:

Setting a custom ITimeRangeGenerator to the SpecialSlotsGenerator property of RadTimeBar

<telerik:RadTimeBar x:Name="timeBar"> 
RadTimeBar with custom special slots

RadTimeBar with custom special slots

See Also

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