Properties and Configuration
Here are described all properties of the RadRadialMenu control and its elements. For more information about the structure of the menu you can take a look at the Visual Structure article.
RadRadialMenu Properties
- IsOpen (bool): Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the RadRadialMenu is open.
- StartAngle (double): Gets or sets the angle in degrees at which the first RadialMenuItem will be positioned.
- InnerRadiusFactor (double): Gets or sets the factor that defines the inner radius of the panel holding the RadialMenuItemControl items as a fraction of the size of the RadRadialMenu control. The value should be between 0 and 1. If the passed value lies outside this range, it is automatically set to the nearest boundary value.
- InnerNavigationRadiusFactor (double): Gets or sets the factor that defines the inner radius of the panel holding the NavigationItemButton items as a fraction of the size of the RadRadialMenu control. The value should be between 0 and 1. If the passed value lies outside this range, it is automatically set to the nearest boundary value.
- OuterRadiusFactor (double): Gets or sets the factor that defines the outer radius of the panel holding the NavigationItemButton items as a fraction of the size of the RadRadialMenu control. The value should be between 0 and 1. If the passed value lies outside this range, it is automatically set to the nearest boundary value.
- ContentMenuBackgroundStyle (Style): Gets or sets a value that defines the appearance of the panel that holds the RadialMenuItemControl items. The Style should target the Rectangle type.
- NavigationMenuBackgroundStyle (Style): Gets or sets a value that defines the appearance of the panel that holds the NavigationItemButton items. The Style should target the Rectangle type.
- Items (BindableCollection<RadialMenuItem>): Gets the collection of all RadialMenuItem items.
- ShowToolTip (bool): Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a tooltip, displaying the currently hovered RadialMenuItem header text, will be displayed.
- CommandService (CommandService): Gets the CommandService instance that manages the commanding behavior of the RadRadialMenu.
Commands (CommandCollection
): Gets the collection that contains all custom commands registered with the CommandService. Custom commands have higher priority than the built-in (default) ones. - TargetElement (FrameworkElement): Gets the element that RadRadialMenu is associated with when used as a context menu.
RadialMenuItem Properties
- IsEnabled (bool): Gets or sets a value indicating whether the visual representation of the RadialMenuItem is enabled.
- IsSelected (bool): Gets or sets a value indicating whether the visual representation of the RadialMenuItem is selected.
- Selectable (bool): Gets or sets a value indicating whether the visual representation of the RadialMenuItem could be selected.
- Deselectable (bool): Gets or sets a value indicating whether the visual representation of the RadialMenuItem could be deselected.
- GroupName (string): Gets or sets a value specifying the name of the group this item belongs to. All items in a group behave like radio buttons when selected. The default value is null.
- Header (object): Gets or sets a value specifying the visual representation of the title of the RadialMenuItem.
- IconContent (object): Gets or sets a value specifying the visual representation of the icon associated with the RadialMenuItem.
- ToolTipContent (object): Gets or sets the content that will be visualized in thetooltip for the current RadialMenuItem.
- ContentSectorBackground (Brush): Gets or sets the brush that defines the background of the RadialMenuItem.
- ParentItem (RadialMenuItem): Gets the parent of the current RadialMenuItem item.
- ChildItems (BindableCollection<RadialMenuItem>): Gets the RadialMenuItem's children collection.
- Command (ICommand): Gets or sets the ICommand instance associated the current menu item.
- CommandParameter (object): Gets or sets command parameter that will be used by the command associated with the RadialMenuItem.
NavigationItemButton Properties
- ContentGlyph (string): Gets or sets the text inside the NavigationItemButton.
DecorationItemButton Properties
- ThicknessFactor (double): Gets or sets the factor defining the thickness of the DecorationItemButton as a fraction of the size of the NavigationItemButton. The value should be between 0 and 1. If the passed value lies outside this range, it is automatically set to the nearest boundary value.
- ArrowThicknessFactor (double): Gets or sets the factor defining the thickness of the arrow part of the DecorationItemButton as a fraction of the size of the NavigationItemButton. The value should be between 0 and 1. If the passed value lies outside this range, it is automatically set to the nearest boundary value.
- PointerOverBackgroundBrush: A property of type Brush that sets or gets the background color of the decoration button when the mouse is over it.
- SelectedBackgroundBrush: A property of type Brush that sets or gets the background color of the decoration button, when a radial menu item is selected.
- SelectedPointerOverBackgroundBrush: A property of type Brush that sets or gets the background color of the button, when a radial menu item is selected and the mouse is over the decoration button.