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The PdfViewer commands implement the interactions with the document in the viewer.

The command descriptors are wrappers of predefined commands, such as rotate, open file, page up/down, and others, which are represented by implementations of the CommandDescriptorBase class. The following list contains part of the available descriptors. Check the CommandDescriptors collection property of RadPdfViewer for a complete list of the available commands.

  • OpenCommandDescriptor
  • SaveAsCommandDescriptor
  • PageUpCommandDescriptor
  • PageDownCommandDescriptor
  • SelectAllCommandDescriptor
  • ZoomInCommandDescriptor
  • ZoomOutCommandDescriptor
  • MoveCaretToLineStartCommandDescriptor
  • MoveCaretToLineEndCommandDescriptor
  • ShowFindDialogCommandDescriptor
  • PrintCommandDescriptor

To access and execute the descriptors, use the CommandDescriptors property of the RadPdfViewer. To get the associated command, use the Command property of the descriptor.

Execute the command of a command descriptor

To disable the commands, set the IsEnabled property of the associated descriptor to false.

Binding Commands to the UI

You can bind the descriptor commands to data through the Command property of the UI elements like buttons.

Bind the page down command to a button

<telerik:RadButton Content="Page Down"  
                   Command="{Binding ElementName=pdfViewer, Path=CommandDescriptors.PageDownCommandDescriptor.Command}"/> 

Overriding Default Commands

The following example demonstrates how to create a custom command and override the command of an existing descriptor. The example creates a custom command by inheriting from the FixedDocumentViewerCommandBase class. However, you can use any ICommand implementation.

Create a custom command

public class FitToWidthCommand : FixedDocumentViewerCommandBase 
    private const double PageMargin = 20; 
    public FitToWidthCommand(FixedDocumentViewerBase fixedDocumentViewerBase) 
        : base(fixedDocumentViewerBase) 
    public override void Execute(object parameter) 
        double width = this.Viewer.ActualWidth - 2 * PageMargin; 
        double pageWidth = this.Viewer.CurrentPage.Size.Width; 
        this.Viewer.ScaleFactor = width / pageWidth; 

Create a custom CommandDescriptors class to override the default commands

public class CustomCommandDescriptors : DefaultCommandDescriptors 
    private CommandDescriptor fitToWidthCommandDescriptor; 
    public override CommandDescriptor FitToWidthCommandDescriptor 
            if (this.fitToWidthCommandDescriptor == null) 
                this.fitToWidthCommandDescriptor = new CommandDescriptor(new FitToWidthCommand(FixedDocumentViewer)); 
            return fitToWidthCommandDescriptor; 
    public CustomCommandDescriptors(FixedDocumentViewerBase fixedDocumentViewerBase) 
        : base(fixedDocumentViewerBase) 

Replace the default CommandDescriptors object

this.pdfViewer.CommandDescriptors = new CustomCommandDescriptors(this.pdfViewer); 

See Also

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