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Creating Radial Gauge

One of the gauges you can create with the RadGauge suite, is a radial gauge. It is represented by a circle container with a scale in it. Additionally, it can display various indicators that point to a certain value on the scale. This topic will walk you through the creation of a sample application that contains a radial RadGauge.

Assembly References

In order to use the controls from the RadGauge suite in your projects, you have to add references to the following assemblies:

  • Telerik.WinUI.Controls.dll
  • Telerik.WinUI.Controls.DataVisualization.dll

Defining a RadialGauge

The radial gauge type is represented by the RadRadialGauge class. It is a circular scale with numbers and ticks.

Example 1: Creating RadRadialGauge

<Grid xmlns:dataVisualization="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.DataVisualization"> 
    <dataVisualization:RadRadialGauge Height="200" MinValue="0" MaxValue="120" MaxAngle="340" MinAngle="90" LabelRadiusScale="1.10" TickStep="10" LabelStep="20"/> 

Image 1: Result from Example 1

WinUI RadGauge RadRadialGauge


RadRadialGauge class inherits from the RadGauge class - See the inherited properties.

  • TickRadiusScale (double): Gets or sets a scale factor that will be multiplied by the radius of the range in order to position the ticks.
  • LabelRadiusScale (double): Gets or sets a scale factor that will be multiplied by the radius of the range in order to position the labels.
  • MaxAngle (double): Gets or sets the MaxAngle property.
  • MinAngle (double): Gets or sets the MinAngle property.

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