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RadRichTextEditor supports not only selection via the UI, but also selection via code. This topic will explain you how to:

UI Selection

The user is able to select the content of the RadRichTextEditor in the same way as in MS Word. This is done by clicking on the desired position and dragging to the desired end of the selection. A multiple ranges selection is also allowed. This one is done by holding the Ctrl key while selecting the different ranges.

You can modify the appearance of the selection in the control through the SelectionFill and SelectionStroke properties of RadRichTextEditor.

Customize the appearance of the selection

this.radRichTextEditor1.SelectionFill = Color.FromArgb(125, 255, 0, 0);
this.radRichTextEditor1.SelectionStroke = Color.DarkRed;

Me.radRichTextEditor1.SelectionFill = Color.FromArgb(125, 255, 0, 0)
Me.radRichTextEditor1.SelectionStroke = Color.DarkRed

WinForms RadRichTextEditor Text Selection

Programmatic Selection

The developer is allowed to work with the selection programmatically. This can be used when having a Find functionality in your RadRichTextEditor and you want to select the found string. Examples that involve the programmatic selection can be found in the How To section.

The programmatic selection gets implemented via the DocumentSelection class. The instance of the class gets associated with the RadDocument of RadRichTextEditor and allows you to specify selection starts and ends, selection ranges and other. You can manage the selection by either using the Selection property of the RadDocument or by creating an instance of the DocumentSelection class.

To learn more about the DocumentPosition read the Positioning topic.

Members of DocumentSelection


  • Ranges: Holds a collection of all SelectionRange instances in the selection.
  • IsEmpty: Holds a value determining whether the selection is empty or not.

Methods for manipulating the selection:

  • SelectAll(): Selects all the content of the document.
  • SetSelectionStart(): Empties the selection and begins a new SelectionRange starting at the specified position. This method starts the creation of a range, which should be finished with AddSelectionEnd().
  • AddSelectionStart(): Begins a new SelectionRange starting at the specified position. This method starts the creation of a range, which should be finished with AddSelectionEnd().
  • AddSelectionEnd(): Finishes the started SelectionRange by setting its end.
  • SelectAnnotationRange(): Selects annotation range including the AnnotationRangeStart and AnnotationRangeEnd elements.
  • SelectTableRow(): Creates a new selection containing the specific table row.
  • SelectTableColumn(): Creates a new selection containing all the cells in a table column. There are two overloads that allow you to pass a cell from the column or the table and the grid column index, which should be selected.
  • AddDocumentElementToSelection(): Adds a specified document element to the existing selection.
  • AddTableCellToSelection(): Adds a table cell to the existing selection.
  • AddParagraphToSelection(): Adds a paragraph to the existing selection.

Obtaining information and elements from the selection:

  • CopySelectedDocumentElements(): Copies all selected document elements to a DocumentFragment instance.
  • GetSelectedText(): Gets the text from the selection. Offers an overload allowing you to specify whether the result should include the bullet or numbering characters in case a paragraph is in a list.
  • GetSelectedParagraphs(): Gets the paragraphs included in the selection.
  • GetSelectedBoxes(): Enumerates through all inline layout boxes of type T included in the selected ranges.
  • GetFullSelectionGeometry(): Gets a System.Windows.Media.Geometry instance describing the form of the selection.
  • GetVisibleSelectionGeometry(): Gets a System.Windows.Media.Geometry instance describing the form of the selection visible in the rectangle passed as a parameter.
  • CreateDocumentFromSelection(): Creates a new RadDocument instance containing the selected elements.
  • ContainsAnnotationMarkersOfType(): Determines whether the selection contains annotation markers of type T.
  • GetAnnotationMarkersOfType(): Gets all annotation markers of type T in the selection.
  • GetSelectedSingleInline(): Gets the selected Inline if it is the only inline selected, otherwise returns null. This method is suitable to check if only an ImageInline is selected, for example.
  • ToString(): Gets the text from the selected document elements.

Clearing the selection:

  • Clear(): Empties the selection


  • SelectionChanging: Occurs before the selection is changed.
  • SelectionChanged: Occurs after the selection is changed. Such an event is exposed by the RadRichTextEditor class as well.

Here is an example of how to select the current word.

DocumentPosition startPosition = this.radRichTextEditor1.Document.CaretPosition; //new DocumentPosition( this.radRichTextBox.Document );
DocumentPosition endPosition = new DocumentPosition(startPosition);

Dim _startPosition As DocumentPosition = Me.radRichTextEditor1.Document.CaretPosition 'new DocumentPosition( this.radRichTextBox.Document );
Dim endPosition As New DocumentPosition(_startPosition)

The next snippet demonstrates how you can check the content that is selected and select and delete the current paragraph if the text in the selection contains the word "Test".

Select current paragraph and delete it

           if (selectedText.Contains("Test"))
               Paragraph currentParagraph = this.radRichTextEditor1.Document.CaretPosition.GetCurrentParagraph();


Dim selectedText As String = Me.radRichTextBox.Document.Selection.GetSelectedText() 

If (selectedText.Contains("Test")) Then 

    Dim currentParagraph As Paragraph = Me.radRichTextBox.Document.CaretPosition.GetCurrentParagraph() 

End If 

What is Selection Range?

The selection in RadRichTextEditor consists of selection ranges. These ranges are represented by the SelectionRange class which exposes the following members:

  • StartPosition: The position determining the start of the selection range.
  • EndPosition: The position determining the end of the selection range.
  • ContainsPosition(): Determines whether the range contains a specified DocumentPosition.
  • IsEmpty: Determines whether the range contains any document elements.
  • IsReversed: Returns true when the start position is after the end position. This might be achieved as in code as well as when the user starts dragging the mouse from right to left.
  • IsValid: A range is considered valid when it has valid start and end positions and is not empty.
  • RangeType: When working with ranges, you might need to check what elements are included in a selection range. This could be achieved with the RangeType property of SelectionRange. This property is of type SelectionRangeType and could have one of the following values:

    • Composite: Represents selection range with mixed elements.
    • Table: SelectionRange, which contains a Table.
    • TableRow: The range consists of a TableRow.
    • TableCell: TableCell selection range.

            SelectionRange selectionRange = this.radRichTextEditor1.Document.Selection.Ranges.First();
            if (selectionRange.RangeType == SelectionRangeType.Table)

        Dim selectionRange As Telerik.WinForms.Documents.Selection.SelectionRange = Me.radRichTextEditor1.Document.Selection.Ranges.First()
        If selectionRange.RangeType = SelectionRangeType.Table Then
        End If

Multi-Range Selection

You can implement Multi-Range Selection by either calling multiple times the AddSelectionStart() and AddSelectionEnd() methods or by working with the Ranges collection.

Here is an example of selecting each "RadRichTextEditor" word in the text. This example uses the first approach.

DocumentPosition position = new DocumentPosition(this.radRichTextEditor1.Document);
    //GetCurrentSpan().Text returns the word at the position
    string word = position.GetCurrentSpanBox().Text;
    if (word.Contains("RadRichTextBox"))
        DocumentPosition wordEndPosition = new DocumentPosition(position);
while (position.MoveToNextWordStart());

Dim position As New DocumentPosition(Me.radRichTextEditor1.Document)
    'GetCurrentSpan().Text returns the word at the position
    Dim word As String = position.GetCurrentSpanBox().Text
    If word.Contains("RadRichTextEditor") Then
        Dim wordEndPosition As New DocumentPosition(position)
    End If
Loop While position.MoveToNextWordStart()

WinForms RadRichTextEditor Multi-Range Selection

See Also

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