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.NET MAUI TimePicker DropDown Styling

By using the DropDownSettings property (of type Telerik.Maui.Controls.PickerDropDownSettings) of the TimePicker, you can modify the appearance of the dropdown. The PickerDropDownSettings class exposes the following Style properties:

  • DropDownViewStyle(of type Style with target type telerik:PickerDropDownContentView)—Defines the dropdown view style.
  • FooterStyle(of type Style with target type telerik:PickerPopupFooterView)—Defines the dropdown footer style.
  • AcceptButtonStyle(of type Style with target type Button)—Defines the Accept button style.
  • CancelButtonStyle(of type Style with target type Button)—Defines the Cancel button style.

The DropDownSettings also provides the following properties for dropdown customization:

  • Placement(of type PlacementMode)—Specifies the position of the dropdown, can be set to Bottom, Right, Left, Top, Center or Relative.
  • HorizontalOffset \ VerticalOffset—Specifies the horizontal\vertical distance between the dropdown and the TimePicker.
  • IsFooterVisible(bool)—Specifies whether the DropDown footer is currently visible. By default, the value is True.
  • AcceptButtonText(string)—Defines the text visualized for the Accept button. By default, the text is OK.
  • CancelButtonText(string)—Defines the text visualized for the Cancel button. By default, the text is Cancel.

DropDownSettings provides styling options for the dropdown, its footer and position, and other. If you need to customize the look&feel of the spinner controls that show the available date values, please refer to SpinnerStyle, SpinnerHeaderStyle and SelectionHighlightStyle properties of the TimePicker. For more detailed information on them go to TimePicker Styling topic.


The following example shows how the styling properties are applied.

Define the RadTimePicker

<telerik:RadTimePicker PickerMode="DropDown"
        <telerik:PickerDropDownSettings DropDownViewStyle="{StaticResource dropDownViewStyle}"
                                        FooterStyle="{StaticResource footerStyle}"
                                        AcceptButtonStyle="{StaticResource acceptButtonStyle}"
                                        CancelButtonStyle="{StaticResource cancelButtonStyle}"
                                        AcceptButtonText="{StaticResource acceptButtonText}"
                                        CancelButtonText="{StaticResource cancelButtonText}"/>

Define the DropDownViewStyle

Define the FooterStyle

<Style TargetType="telerik:PickerDropDownFooterView" x:Key="footerStyle">
    <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Transparent"/>

Define the AcceptButtonStyle

<Style TargetType="Button" x:Key="acceptButtonStyle">
    <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Transparent"/>
    <Setter Property="TextColor" Value="#00B5DC"/>

Define the CancelButtonStyle

<Style TargetType="Button" x:Key="cancelButtonStyle">
    <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Transparent"/>
    <Setter Property="TextColor" Value="#00B5DC"/>


In addition, add the following namespace:


The following image shows how the TimePicker control looks when the styles described above are applied.

Time Picker DropDown Style

See Also

In this article