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.NET MAUI Path Styling

The RadPath element exposes the following properties you can use to customize the look of the path figures:

  • Fill: Used for setting up the color within the figures. You have to set an object of type RadBrush. This can be a RadSolidColorBrush or a RadSweepGradientBrush
  • Stroke: You can use this property to set the stroke color.
  • StrokeThickness: You can use this property to set the thickness of the stroke.
  • BackgroundColor: You can use this property to modify the color of the rectangle which contains the specific figure.

Styling the Path using the RadSweepGradientBrush

<telerik:RadPath x:Name="gradientPath"
                            Geometry="{x:Static telerikInput:Geometries.Diamond}">
                <Point>0.5, 0.5</Point>

Styling the Path using the RadSolidColorBrush

<telerik:RadPath x:Name="solidPath"
            <telerik:RadPathFigure StartPoint="0, 1">
                <telerik:RadLineSegment Point="1, 1" />
                <telerik:RadLineSegment Point="0.5, 0" />
                <telerik:RadLineSegment Point="0, 1" />

The following image shows the result:

.NET MAUI Path Styling

See Also

In this article