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.NET MAUI MaskedEntry Value Format

The Telerik MaskedEntry for .NET MAUI allows you to set the behavior of the Value property in a mask scenario (when the Mask property is set). By default, the Value holds the characters without including the prompt characters and the literals defined in the mask.

If the ValueFormat property is set, the Value can hold both literals and prompt characters.

The ValueFormat property is an enum of type Telerik.Maui.MaskedEntry.ValueFormat and supports the following options:

  • (Default mode) ExcludePromptAndLiterals
  • IncludePrompt
  • IncludeLiterals
  • IncludePromptAndLiterals


ExcludePromptAndLiterals is the default mode. The MaskedEntry value is stored without the prompt characters or literals defined in the mask.

For example, if Mask="##-##" and you enter 22-2_, the Value property will contain 222.

<telerik:RadTextMaskedEntry x:Name="excludePromptAndLiteralsMask" Mask="##-##" ValueFormat="ExcludePromptAndLiterals" Value="222" AutomationId="excludePromptAndLiteralsMask"/>


The Value property of the MaskedEntry control contains the prompt characters for the missing positions required by the Mask property.

For example, if Mask="##-##" and you enter 222, the Value property will be 222_, where the _ character is the default placeholder.

<telerik:RadTextMaskedEntry x:Name="includePromptMask" Mask="##-##" ValueFormat="IncludePrompt"  Value="222_" AutomationId="includePromptMask"/>


The Value MaskedEntry property contains the literals defined in the Mask property.

For example, if Mask="##-##" and you enter 22-2_, the Value will be 22-2, where the - character is the literal from the mask.

<telerik:RadTextMaskedEntry x:Name="includeLiteralsMask" Mask="##-##" ValueFormat="IncludeLiterals"  Value="22-2" AutomationId="includeLiteralsMask"/>


The Value MaskedEntry property contains both the literals and prompt characters for the missing positions required by the Mask property.

For example, if Mask="##-##" and you enter 222, the Value property will be 22-2_.

<telerik:RadTextMaskedEntry x:Name="includePromptAndLiteralsMask" Mask="##-##" ValueFormat="IncludePromptAndLiterals" Value="22-2_" AutomationId="includePromptAndLiteralsMask"/>

For the MaskedEntry Value Format example, go to the SDKBrowser Demo Application and navigate to MaskedEntry -> Features category.

See Also

In this article