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.NET MAUI MaskedEntry Styling

The MaskedEntry control delivers a set of options for styling its appearance.

The MaskedEntryBase class exposes the following properties, which are valid for all mask types.:

  • TextColor(Microsoft.Maui.Graphics)—Defines the color of the text inside the MaskedEntry.
  • EntryCornerRadius(Microsoft.Maui)—Defines the corner radius around the MaskedEntry.
  • EntryBackgroundColor(Microsoft.Maui.Graphics)—Defines the background color of the MaskedEntry.
  • BackgroundColor(Microsoft.Maui.Graphics)—Defines the background color of the masked control.
  • ClearButtonColor(Microsoft.Maui.Graphics)—Defines the color of the Clear button.
  • HoveredClearButtonColor(Microsoft.Maui.Graphics)—Defines the color of the Clear button when is hovered. The color appears only on desktop.
  • PressedClearButtonColor(Microsoft.Maui.Graphics)—Defines the color of the Clear button when is clicked.

The following example demonstrates how to style the EmailMaskedEntry. Define the control in XAML:

<telerik:RadEmailMaskedEntry x:Name="styleEmailMaskedEntry" 
                             ClearButtonStyle="{StaticResource CustomClearButtonStyle}"

Add the namespace:

  • ClearButtonColor

.NET MAUI MaskedEntry Clear Button Color

  • PressedClearButtonColor

.NET MAUI MaskedEntry Pressed Clear Button Color

  • HoveredClearButtonColor

.NET MAUI MaskedEntry Hovered Clear Button Color

For the MaskedEntry Styling example, go to the SDKBrowser Demo Application and navigate to MaskedEntry -> Features category.

See Also

In this article